Great movies almost wrecked by co-stars.


Master Member
I was just watching Groundhog Day and thinking how much I enjoy this film until Andie MacDowell crashes a given scene. Her character really is insufferable. I fast forward through her parts.

Same thing with, The Shining. Great film, but Shelly Duvall is so distracting.

From Dusk Till Dawn - a great little movie but I can't abide Tarantino in it. I know he doesn't stay the whole movie but when he is in it I find him dreadful as an actor.
This *******

Robert Wuhl! I liked the Keaton Batman, but Wuhl is just terrible in it. Each line more unforgiving than the next. In fact, I'd say he messes up every movie he's in.
Death to Wuhl.
I was about to say Eric Bana in anything I've ever seen him in, but then it occured to me that I haven't seen him in any great movies!

I just find him utterly unconvincing, empty and unlikeable. If he has been in any great movies, I guarantee they're less great because of his presence.
(I wondered if it's at all due to the fact that I don't go to theaters anymore...but then I realized if he can't convince me of his parts on the small screen, what chance has he to do it on the large one?)
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David Koechner. I would rather watch Jar Jar Binks perform stand up for three hours than watch 20 minutes of him.
*GASP!!!* Not Gerry Lopez!? You almost have to forgive him for being, well...Gerry Lopez! But, can't mean Mako?!

Wait, wait...the other guy. Ah, yes. The other guy...right?

Conan's ******* sidekick in Conan the Destroyer.
I wanted to reach into the screen and strangle Chris Tucker in every scene he was in in Fifth Element. Man, he was annoying.
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