Im trying to do this evolution of the skywalker graflex style saber collection.
Does anyone have information on the "holiday special" saber? Ive seen Looking for more detailed pics and perhaps part list. Mainly for the control box.
There's nothing. I've got a Graflite, too, and I can't find a darn thing on it. Probably since most of the reference was accidentally maliciously destroyed...
The yourprops one seems to have the better control box and emitter shroud. Sucks that there aren't any clear photo's of the real deal around. A parts list may be asking a bit much, looks like a DIY project unfortunately :/
There's nothing. I've got a Graflite, too, and I can't find a darn thing on it. Probably since most of the reference was accidentally maliciously destroyed...
I've had this graflite for nearly 10 years waiting to convert it. With my luck, I just know once I cut/drill into it, within a week some reference pics or new information(maybe on the upcoming bluray) will emerge and I'll have no way to fix it.
Most of the pics I've seen on partsofsw. Great nonetheless!! I didn't notice it till you posted pics, but it would seem the control box is black and on one side cut pieces of chrome(possibly tape) in triangular patterns. At first I assumed it was a graflex type box with a black pattern over it. Unless my eyes are deceiving me and are two unique boxes.
I'm with you, Whiskey - I really like the look of this one. I just got a Graflite that a friend of mine dug out of a bin at work (she works at a vintage camera shop) for me. I plan on converting it into some kind of working saber to use with this Halloween's costume.
I love that red button and Bakelite (?) surround...