i'll get the LEDs and a circuit designed to blink and work like the one in the film
Sorry to keep posting in an old thread but I was really happy with how this turned out, and thought it better to flesh out an old thread rather than start a new one.
I left the lower half unpainted, it matches the film when in sunlight.
The top half was sanded to remove the gloss finish, then primed and painted with Tamiya Olive Drab T-05.
I've always loved this prop and wish all of them were this easy to put together.
Sorry to keep posting in an old thread but I was really happy with how this turned out, and thought it better to flesh out an old thread rather than start a new one.
I left the lower half unpainted, it matches the film when in sunlight.
The top half was sanded to remove the gloss finish, then primed and painted with Tamiya Olive Drab T-05.
I've always loved this prop and wish all of them were this easy to put together.
Just a reminder about the red button, please note the button is recessed, not ballshaped. You can see this clearly in the screencap.
Just a reminder about the red button, please note the button is recessed, not ballshaped. You can see this clearly in the screencap.