Golden Idol, how much would it weigh?


Master Member
I am about to sculpt my own idol. Being a stickler for authenticity, I want to make it as heavy as possible to replicate the weight of that much gold.

Any thoughts or ideas on how heavy that much gold would be?
I think it would depend on if you believed the real idol was solid gold, hollow, or gold-plated wood.

I'm of the opinion it would have either been hollow or gold-plated wood, and not particularly heavy. Maybe pound and a half, two pounds?
You won't be able to make your idol as heavy as gold unless you fill it with gold. Even if you filled it with lead, it wouldn't be as heavy as solid gold.
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My point is that there's no physical way of making your idol as heavy as solid gold, so it makes no difference what the "actual" weight would be. It's a hopeless endeavor.
:lol Or maybe you could glue it to the table and challenge people to pick it up. Heavy, ain't it?
I think historical accuracy shows it would most likely be made of gold plated wood. That would make sense on why Indy only picked up a faily small amount of sand to switch it with.
I think historical accuracy shows it would most likely be made of gold plated wood. That would make sense on why Indy only picked up a faily small amount of sand to switch it with.

I always thought it would've been stone covered in gold...
If it were supposed to be solid gold, they all would have been straining to carry it somewhat.

Therefor the title should've been "Indiana Jones and the MASSIVE HERNIA" :lol :lol

I believe gold is about twice as heavy as lead. They're very close on the periodic table, but gold is almost twice as dense. I think.
Sure there is. You could make it out of gold.:lol

What about gold plated platinum? It has a higher density and you could hollow cast it... just start collecting catalytic converts from the neighborhood vehicles and tell the neighbors its for an accurate prop replica.:D