Ghostbusters II: When Ray Met Vigo


New Member
Hi folks,

This is my first post. I'm looking for information about an original pre-production prop I recently acquired of Ghostbusters 2. (See attached image.)

From what I was able to piece together, in the scene at the art museum when Ray touches the Vigo painting, he was supposed to have Vigo transferred into him and become possessed, which would later turn him into this disgusting demon.

Where are my hardcore Ghostbusters fans? Am I on the right track here? Anybody read an early version of the script with a deleted scene explaining/showing more of Ray's possession? Thanks!
For what I know, after the Museum, the GBs are driving back home, but Ray ( who is the driver ) become more and more angry, to the point where Peter turns back to have a look to him ( this is shown in the movie in a montage ). Finally, the car stops and Ray comes back to his senses.

Well, that's incomplete, but it's all I know. No demon Ray as far as I am concerned. :)
Thanks for the info. Maybe, then, this test sculpt was used for the ending when Vigo momentarily takes over Ray?
The first time I saw Ghostbusters II I recall seeing Ray turning away from the Vigo painting (after he spaces-out staring at it) and he looks all weird and possessed. Then the others slime him.
Every time since then it seems to cut from Ray staring at the painting to Peter yelling "Hose him!" Like they cut that bit out.
Ray does get possesed. He stares at it and murry yells "Ray we'd like to shoot the monster now", ray turns, all hideously deformed and vigo-ish and yells 'There is no Ray, only Vigo", then they slime him. I see this everytime the movie is shown, it is never cut out.
Ray does get possesed. He stares at it and murry yells "Ray we'd like to shoot the monster now", ray turns, all hideously deformed and vigo-ish and yells 'There is no Ray, only Vigo", then they slime him. I see this everytime the movie is shown, it is never cut out.

Maybe its a UK thing. Like them cutting out the scene of the mouse in the breathing fluid in The Abyss? Or maybe it's 'cos each time I see it on TV it's during the day and they consider that scene too scary?
Hi folks,

This is my first post. I'm looking for information about an original pre-production prop I recently acquired of Ghostbusters 2. (See attached image.)

From what I was able to piece together, in the scene at the art museum when Ray touches the Vigo painting, he was supposed to have Vigo transferred into him and become possessed, which would later turn him into this disgusting demon.

Where are my hardcore Ghostbusters fans? Am I on the right track here? Anybody read an early version of the script with a deleted scene explaining/showing more of Ray's possession? Thanks!

nice piece... GREAT score! it was in a large lot of GB1/2 productions pieces that was auctioned off a few years... by PIH, i believe.

it's a maquette of the ray/vigo demon seen during the final battle. the cut scene of a possessed ray driving the ectomobile didn't feature the demon makeup.... that was only in the finale. the demon was actually a late addition to the script. in early drafts, vigo simply steps out of the painting and grabs ray by the throat or holds a huge broad sword up to rays' throat... depending on the draft.
Ray does get possesed. He stares at it and murry yells "Ray we'd like to shoot the monster now", ray turns, all hideously deformed and vigo-ish and yells 'There is no Ray, only Vigo", then they slime him. I see this everytime the movie is shown, it is never cut out.

IS this a joke?? Seriously..... I have never seen that. Could someone post video of this clip?
Great info, d_osborn. Thanks.

I don't have my DVD copy handy to check, but I did come across this YouTube video:

Check out 5:28 for Vigo-possessed Ray. The possession sequence begins at 5:08.

I honestly didn't remember that part either at first, probably because it's such a short shot.

The final make-up doesn't look too much like my maquette except for the little horns sticking out.
ahhhhhhhh.... I forgot that part as well. Guess I need to sit thorugh that film again, it has been some time!!
Nice piece mate.

Ive got an original face cast of actor Wilhelm von Homburg (Vigo) produced for make up tests by ILM in 1989.

It was purchsed directly from the man responisble for the Vigo painting production

Will post up some pics soon
