Ghostbusters (2016) (Post-release)

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Okay, either you don 't love it or you hate it with a passion... I think we're clear on that . The real question now is: with GB16's critical and financial failure, what does it mean for the future of the franchise? Reboot the reboot? A return to the original concept? Something completely different? Or is this the final nail in Ghostbusters' coffin?
Okay, either you don 't love it or you hate it with a passion... I think we're clear on that . The real question now is: with GB16's critical and financial failure, what does it mean for the future of the franchise? Reboot the reboot? A return to the original concept? Something completely different? Or is this the final nail in Ghostbusters' coffin?

they had one chance while the older guys where still in decent enough shape to pass it off properly, and they blew it.
also in large part due to bill i'm an ass murray.

I think this is it for live action.

Animated may live on.
Let's do a little comparison shall we?

TRON Legacy: budget of 170 million, worldwide box office of just about 400 million...

TRON live action sequel gets permanently shut down. AND the toon as well.

The math doesn't look good for GB. :(

I really want a GB3 and a TRON 3.

TRON They could still pull off... But they aren't going to.

GB has passed its time for an original cast inclusion. IMHO.

Thanks Feig.
Okay, either you don 't love it or you hate it with a passion... I think we're clear on that . The real question now is: with GB16's critical and financial failure, what does it mean for the future of the franchise? Reboot the reboot? A return to the original concept? Something completely different? Or is this the final nail in Ghostbusters' coffin?
Sony execs will cut their losses. Ghost Corps will be reduced, closed or sold off.
just checked BOMO

it brings in about $250,000 daily now in week 5. only in about 1,000 theaters. and all but gone in my area. only one lone amc theater showing and that's it.

Quite frankly, I can't help but wonder if they kept it in this long to be defiant ;o). it has to be loosing theaters money at this point.
One thing I dunno if it has been pointed out:a film makes a lot off of repeat customers (like me going to see Star Wars TFA twice) a fan may go and watch a film several times~you tick off those people and you lose that,and if the movie stinks? Well you're lucky if you have people watching it once,if it's real bad and they walk out then they tell their friends.....

I'm thinking some of the people who went in may have either walked out or just sat through it and told people to maybe go check it out,or wait for the video.
there's an article by The Times on Trolls. and basically lumps ghostbsuters in with gamergate, politicians, trump, and all other sorts of not fun stuff.

thanks feig.

our fun little idea has now become a blatant political statement and covered by political crazies now. it's also become election joke fodder...

another reason to be ashamed to be a ghostbuster fan.

there's an article by The Times on Trolls. and basically lumps ghostbsuters in with gamergate, politicians, trump, and all other sorts of not fun stuff.

thanks feig.

our fun little idea has now become a blatant political statement and covered by political crazies now. it's also become election joke fodder...

another reason to be ashamed to be a ghostbuster fan.

Neil, the funny thing is, Sausage Party has the best line that describes Feigbusters: "Once you seen that s***, it will **** you up for life."
someone start the GB16 free ghostbusters appreciation thread. i need to remember the good old days of this franchise when ramis was alive, murray was less of a dick, dan was only 40% crazy...and the only thing that ruined our child hood where those horrid Slimer episodes with the singing ice cream lady.
someone start the GB16 free ghostbusters appreciation thread. i need to remember the good old days of this franchise when ramis was alive, murray was less of a dick, dan was only 40% crazy...and the only thing that ruined our child hood where those horrid Slimer episodes with the singing ice cream lady.
I blame Slimer and studio execs for the demise of RGB.
someone start the GB16 free ghostbusters appreciation thread. i need to remember the good old days of this franchise when ramis was alive, murray was less of a dick, dan was only 40% crazy...and the only thing that ruined our child hood where those horrid Slimer episodes with the singing ice cream lady.

Was Murray ever really less of a dick? Reports seem to conflict on this. ;)
you know what's really sad? it made virtually no money or F4 money EVERYWHERE but the US.

Either there are alot of femenists in the US, or ALOT of Die hard ghostbuster fans who went to go see it multiple times.. not sure what is sadder.
I've still yet to come across anyone who has actually seen it, which in the NY area is something. It did what it did. Curious as to how because outside of these boards, I've heard nobody talking about it at all or saying that they've seen it or wanted to see it. I know nobody in my circle of movie geeks has seen it. It still failed, but I'm mystified as to how it broke 100 million.
I've still yet to come across anyone who has actually seen it, which in the NY area is something. It did what it did. Curious as to how because outside of these boards, I've heard nobody talking about it at all or saying that they've seen it or wanted to see it. I know nobody in my circle of movie geeks has seen it. It still failed, but I'm mystified as to how it broke 100 million.

yeah, I can't figure it out either.

there where empty theaters in new york it's first week out. someone i know who went to a big theater there said there where only 6 people at his showing! and during a PM showing to boot in it's first week.

So, where is all this money coming in from? sonly employees clearly don't care to prop it up. so, that goes back to my original theory of femenists, die hard fans, and the lesser half of the fractional chart, people curious about it just because they want to suck it to the 'haters' ;o).
someone start the GB16 free ghostbusters appreciation thread. i need to remember the good old days of this franchise when ramis was alive, murray was less of a dick, dan was only 40% crazy...and the only thing that ruined our child hood where those horrid Slimer episodes with the singing ice cream lady.

Just for you:

This is what Bandai is doing, instead of giving us a Blockade Runner model:
not making me feel peace and love ;o)

so, rather than bet on a star wars sure thing, they are going with a movie who's toys where on clearance 3 weeks before the movie went out?

the logic? hello? logic? did you walk off a long pier to your screen doored battleship?

Oh ye of little faith! I'm sure those $130.00 Rowan figures will fly off the shelves.

Just to be clear, I was joking about the either or choice of Blockade Runner or Rowan. However, their priorities remain skewed.
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