Getting Started on Zuko's Dual Dao Blades


New Member
Hey guys,

New to posting, but I have been reading for a while. If you guys are anything like me, its about time to get started on Halloween preparations. This year I am thinking of going as The Blue Spirit (Zuko's alter ego). However, I have never made any weapon replicas. Do you guys have any ideas of how to start?

I found a few images of people who had done it, but I kind of wanted to them out of metal... (as unsafe as that may be)

There arn't really a lot of good photos out there.

If you guys have any ideas about how to get started, or good place to look; please let me know!

Take it easy
Hi zane, I'm pretty familiar with fantasy sword making.

1. Comic/movie swords are way bigger than historical swords...thus they shouldn't really be made of steel...else they'll weigh 15lbs and be difficult to hold/swing. So you should consider a lighter aluminum or wood....or possibly pexiglass plastic (something that can cut and not crack...lexan?)

2. Make yourself a full size template on poster board.... or use a CAD program to print a full size drawing.

3. Cutting wood and plastic is easy with band saw and hand held jigsaw. Cutting aluminum requires a metal cutting band saw.

Thats a good point, I never really thought of the weight. The only reason I really waited steel/sheet metal would put to place them on my wall once I'm done playing with them. However, I bet aluminum/plexi would be way easier and less cumbersome come Halloween.

I really appreciate the help man, hopefully I'll be able to start getting a few photos up soon!
