I just go Thunderbirds are Go today and i was wondering if his show UFO (i've seen folks mention it on here) is available in the US on dvd and if anyone had a preference if there is more than one version available.
I forgot how much detail they put into the models until i watched thunderbirds are go last night. I remember sunday afternoons when i was little they'd show various movies all day and occasionally throw in a Thunderbirds episode.
As the resident Anderson-pusher here I gotta chime in. Andersons' FX man Derek Meddings is the father of modern SF movie modelmaking. He kicked off the 50 year-old vogue for lived-in, weathered future vehicles and buildings; panel lines, weathering, kitbashing, it's down to him and his team. They invented kitbashing in 1962 with 'Fireball XL5.' Kubrick was impressed enough by Thunderbirds to make an attempt to steal the Anderson's entire FX crew away from them for 2001. There's even a case for saying that the mix of the futuristic and the outdated, as seen in Blade Runner, was already present in Thunderbirds, where you have future vehicles and future buildings co-existing with old mansions and bi-planes. This was something never seen before in SF film and TV future visions. Hollywood SF, and TV like Star Trek, were still locked into gleaming '50s future visions where everything is modern and clean. Anderson and Meddings were the guys who broke all that down, dirtied everything up, and showed too how the old stuff will still be there when the future stuff comes. The influence on Lucas's concept for Star Wars of the 'lived-in universe' is obvious.
Here's a fantastic in-depth interview with Meddings, a modest, very down-to-earth chap, who nevertheless is clearly a bit galled about the lack of credit given to him and Brian Johnson for inventing kitbashing! SuperM - Derek Meddings speaks
A couple of pics of the guy on set. Thunderbirds, 1964, and UFO 1969.
I personally love teh lived in mix of things like in Bladerunner as it's more realistic. What's that rule for cars in movies: always have more older models than new ones? I thikn that should go with all stuff like that.