German members : input needed on deactivated guns.


Well-Known Member
could a german member help me out? I need all the info I could get on deactivated weapons originating from your country.

What are the specs over there?

Do deactivated weapons still have working actions?

Can they still be ******, stripped and dry fired?

Or are they more like the crappy UK new specs?

Many thanks in advance and looking forward to any replies.
There are three categories of deactivated guns here in Germany:

Full auto submachine guns/assault rifles build pre 1945 and semi-auto rifles:
- fireing chamber blocked
- barrel drilled with (I think it was) 6 caliber sized holes
- welded plug near the muzzle
- bolt cut at 45 degrees
- hole of fireing pin welded shut
- no modification of the trigger assembly, field stripping possible

- same as above but trigger mechanism/hammer needs to be deactivated as well (by welding the hammer to the frame for example)
- field stripping is usually possible

Air cooled machine guns and full autos post 1945:
- as for semi-auto
- barrel has to be welded to the frame
also some sellers play it save and make the following mods (though not specifically required by law):
- trigger deactivated
- feed mechanism deactivated
- disassembly blocked
- magazines welded to frame

This is just from memory - so I might have missed something, but it should get you an outline of what is to be expected.
Hope this helps,
