'Game over man!' - Hudson 1:1 headsculpt.

Oh man. He looks so realistic, his skin looks...clammy. Imagine what he would look like in his USCM outfit. Or a replica Apollo jumpsuit. Or.....

...calm down Steve. Very good indeed :D
Thanks guys :$

Heres a picture of Hicks and Hudson - together at last!


Sorry I dug up this old thread. I was doing a dearch for Aliens stuff last night and found it, not realizing it was ancient.

Did this sculpt ever get finished? Did the customer post any pics of it?
My thoughts exactly. I cannot find fault with the sculpt. The detail is amazing enough prior to painting. It's just that "Aliens era" Hudson was a lot thinner back then. This looks more like Bill from the "Twister era". Still, it's a rare skill to make it recognisable.
I was beginning to worry a bit, primarily because of how the sculpt looked (to me, it looked more like the current Bill Paxton and than the 1986 Paxton).
I'm not entirely convinced you didn't decapitate bill Paxton and then froze his head. This is fantastic work and the police will be at your house shortly. Game over man.
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