Game of Thrones

Also, someone explain to me who the hell Jon Snow is related to. Ramsay Snow is Roose Bolton's kid, right?

In the North, all bastards are called Snow. Likewise, in the Vale they are called Stone, in theRiverlands Waters, on the Iron Islands Pyke and so forth.

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Indeed. That way of naming folks only applies to the high-born, though. If you're a ******* and your dad isn't a Ser, Lord, or King, no last name for you.
As to Jon Snow, he's Ned's son of an unnamed mother. Apparently.

There's rumors that he is in fact Lyanna Stark (Ned's deceased sister and Robert Baratheon's love) and Rhaegar Targaeryen (Dany's oldest brother) love-child, making him the rightful heir of the Iron Throne. After all Ned remembers finding his sister with Rhaegar (who apparently had 'abducted' her), in a 'bed of blood', and her last words were "...promise me!"

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On that list, there are plenty I hadn't seen before or if I had, not in quite so memorable a role. But, there are a few that I particularly associate with other roles:

Littlefinger -- Tommy Carcetti, The Wire.
Tywin -- Sardo Numspa, The Golden Child. (who could kill you "yust like that.")
Grand Maester Pycelle -- General Veers, The Empire Strikes Back.
Barristan Selmy -- Captain Hammond, Horatio Hornblower.
Ned Stark -- Richard Sharpe, the Sharpe series.
Margaery Tyrell -- Anne Boleyn, The Tudors
Edmure Tully -- Marcus Junius Brutus, Rome
Locke -- The band's manager, Almost Famous
Balon Greyjoy -- Inspector Alleyn, the Inspector Alleyn mystery series.
Mance Rayder -- Gaius Julius Caesar, Rome

They did a pretty good job with the rest.

Never saw Nip/Tuck, but I always associate Peter Dinklage with Miles Finch in Elf
On that list, there are plenty I hadn't seen before or if I had, not in quite so memorable a role. But, there are a few that I particularly associate with other roles:

Littlefinger -- Tommy Carcetti, The Wire.
Tywin -- Sardo Numspa, The Golden Child. (who could kill you "yust like that.")
Grand Maester Pycelle -- General Veers, The Empire Strikes Back.
Barristan Selmy -- Captain Hammond, Horatio Hornblower.
Ned Stark -- Richard Sharpe, the Sharpe series.
Margaery Tyrell -- Anne Boleyn, The Tudors
Edmure Tully -- Marcus Junius Brutus, Rome
Locke -- The band's manager, Almost Famous
Balon Greyjoy -- Inspector Alleyn, the Inspector Alleyn mystery series.
Mance Rayder -- Gaius Julius Caesar, Rome

They did a pretty good job with the rest.

I have a hard time separating Tywin from Lord Havelock Vetinari in Going Postal (love me some Pratchett)

And of course Lena Headey in Dredd.
See, folks? I still haven't read past book 3, and firesprite's comment could potentially be a (properly tagged) spoiler. But I ACCEPT THAT RISK when I enter this thread! And THAT is why it's just not worth getting bent out of shape about spoilers for a book series!

Which reminds me. I need to go order Books 4 and 5 and figure out how I'm gonna actually read them...
LOVE that theory!~ (re: about who Jons parents could be)

although why would Ned keep that secret...apparently from everyone, including his wife? (as she treated him like the results of Neds affair when he was off at war with Robert, as they outlined in the show)

you'd think the wife would at least be in on it? and not treat him like :)

I just keep thinking whos gonna stop the Mother of Dragons?
As to Jon Snow, he's Ned's son of an unnamed mother. Apparently.

There's rumors that he is in fact Lyanna Stark (Ned's deceased sister and Robert Baratheon's love) and Rhaegar Targaeryen (Dany's oldest brother) love-child, making him the rightful heir of the Iron Throne. After all Ned remembers finding his sister with Rhaegar (who apparently had 'abducted' her), in a 'bed of blood', and her last words were "...promise me!"

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There's several possibilities of whose Jon's parents are depending on which characters you get a story from
Eddard's original love interest, Ashara Dayne who killed herself by jumping out a tower window back around the time of Robert's rebellion. In the first book there is a conversation with Catelyn where she asks him about the rumours. He does not deny it but refuses to ever talk about her again.

Second possibility is Wylla (a wet nurse in service to House Dayne). This is who he told Robert was Jon's father, but he may have been misleading Robert in a roundabout way on purpose to hide the truth since that is the person who Robert was thinking of when he was asking the question.

Third of course is Rhaegar and Lyanna. This would explain why he had to hide Jon's parentage from Robert and why he is so haunted by his sister's dying words of "Promise me Ned..."
Robert hated the Tagaeryn's so much and he probably would have demanded Jon Snow be killed, thus why Ned has to pretend he is his father.

Great article about it here (taken from observations during the first three books)
Past Events: Jon Snow's Parents ~ Tower of the Hand
He was burnt when he saved Mormont by killing the zombie with fire back at Castle Black. Although I seem to remember some remark about how the flames were strangely comforting to him. But then again, it's is pretty bone chillingly cold there anyway, so there may not be much more to read into that.

So we know that he is not like Dany as far as immune to fire, but of course Viserys was a Targaryen and he was burnt. Considering this is a Song of Fire and Ice, I seems likely somehow that Jon and Dany's destinies are intertwined in saving Westeros from the Others.

I can't wait for next season...and the next book
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