Sr Member
Ok gang, I need some help, and opinions.
So, as part of my research to accurize the SMT kit further, I was going through the DVD’s and getting some stills with my XBOX on zoom for detail (hey, its about as clear as you can get off a DVD for me since my Comp won’t do screencaps anymore) to resolve some things I wasn’t 100% sure of detail wise. For example, by being an uber geek and spending some time doing this, I resolved to my satisfaction that the “mushroom” shaped bit, actually (shhh., BIG secret J/K.) the 1/350 Tirpitz Radar dome, that is on the underside seam above the tank hatch and below the Mortar bit between the landing gear, is ONLY on the Starboard side, it does not appear on the Port side at all.
You see, the AW/SMT Shuttle is a nice piece, but not studio accurate and I did not want to use the “Generic” GAL 356 markings, even with all the revisions I’m making to mine to get it much closer to the original Studio filming model. I did not want to make the kit as the “generic” GAL 356 as I guess I’m too much of a purist, and while the kit is a great piece, I didn’t want to take away from the TRUER versions out their that LOTS of love have been poured in to with that name board, especially when this version with some of the confusing details and close but not 100% angles etc. that it has no matter what you do with it has lead me to feel its just not “right” for it to carry that “name”.
So there I was going the “Gun on Ice Planet Zero” part one, at around 25:30 through about 26:00 on my DVD series release, right after the Cylon fighter blows a hole in the side of the shuttle and right after Starbuck says “Go on breathing gear”, I think I found a nice Easter Egg that might be the further inspiration on my shuttle’s sideboard. Watch it, check out the nice side profile of the Shuttle, and note the sideboard if you can through the “clouds”. You will have to piece it together, one numeral/letter at a time, but if you do . . . get ready for a big laugh, especially in light of Uncle Georges lawsuit against universal . . .
I *THINK* it says “VFX 1138” on a much darker than normal sideboard in not very precise lettering, leading me to believe it was a gag and was much like the “Galactica/Pegasus/Atlantia” name boards on the Big G that were simply styrene bits with different names that got placed as the shot required. Now admittedly, based on my research on which VFX group worked on which episode, many of the Star Wars Gang (as MCA-57) was present for this episode, though they did not finish it according to Mr. Ken Larson’s excellent site That makes me wonder if this was one of their last shots and they figured they would get their “easter egg” in while they could.
Of course, in the very next effects shot as the shuttle slams into the snow bank its back to the GAL 356 sideboard . . . hmm, since that shuttle was crashed, and basically destroyed now how come GAL 356 shows up in every other episode? Yeah, I know, lovely stock footage and only one (?) filming miniature equals lack of continuity.
Anyway, what I’m asking is for all of you that have the DVD, check it out and tell me if you think my eyes need to get checked or I’m smoking crack, and for those of you with the “Big Dog” contacts with the original artists, well, ask them if THEY know what the heck it REALLY says. I’d truly love to know for curiosity sake what the Truth is, and what you all think.
I’m REALLY curious, as if it really does say VFX 1138 I think mine might just have to be the shuttle that Starbuck crashed on Ice Plant Zero, since I have some nice signed Dirk Benedict “Starbuck *$” signed plaques left . . .
I think that would be appropriate to make this kit a good homage to the shuttle that maybe no one knew existed before . . .
Otherwise, I’m going to have to go with what I was working on before I found all this and started tilting at windmills, and go with GAL 355, as slightly earlier Shuttle hence the differences in details and running gear. And of course, the “SC” after the GAL 356 will change to “RC” since it’s a numeral lower and that’s a letter lower, and also as cheesy as it is thats my initials.
So, cÂ’mon all you lurkers, tell me what you THINK. I know some of you out there have that super-fancy dancy screen cap ability you are just DYING to show off, so . . . prove me RIGHT, or prove me WRONG.
So, as part of my research to accurize the SMT kit further, I was going through the DVD’s and getting some stills with my XBOX on zoom for detail (hey, its about as clear as you can get off a DVD for me since my Comp won’t do screencaps anymore) to resolve some things I wasn’t 100% sure of detail wise. For example, by being an uber geek and spending some time doing this, I resolved to my satisfaction that the “mushroom” shaped bit, actually (shhh., BIG secret J/K.) the 1/350 Tirpitz Radar dome, that is on the underside seam above the tank hatch and below the Mortar bit between the landing gear, is ONLY on the Starboard side, it does not appear on the Port side at all.
You see, the AW/SMT Shuttle is a nice piece, but not studio accurate and I did not want to use the “Generic” GAL 356 markings, even with all the revisions I’m making to mine to get it much closer to the original Studio filming model. I did not want to make the kit as the “generic” GAL 356 as I guess I’m too much of a purist, and while the kit is a great piece, I didn’t want to take away from the TRUER versions out their that LOTS of love have been poured in to with that name board, especially when this version with some of the confusing details and close but not 100% angles etc. that it has no matter what you do with it has lead me to feel its just not “right” for it to carry that “name”.
So there I was going the “Gun on Ice Planet Zero” part one, at around 25:30 through about 26:00 on my DVD series release, right after the Cylon fighter blows a hole in the side of the shuttle and right after Starbuck says “Go on breathing gear”, I think I found a nice Easter Egg that might be the further inspiration on my shuttle’s sideboard. Watch it, check out the nice side profile of the Shuttle, and note the sideboard if you can through the “clouds”. You will have to piece it together, one numeral/letter at a time, but if you do . . . get ready for a big laugh, especially in light of Uncle Georges lawsuit against universal . . .
I *THINK* it says “VFX 1138” on a much darker than normal sideboard in not very precise lettering, leading me to believe it was a gag and was much like the “Galactica/Pegasus/Atlantia” name boards on the Big G that were simply styrene bits with different names that got placed as the shot required. Now admittedly, based on my research on which VFX group worked on which episode, many of the Star Wars Gang (as MCA-57) was present for this episode, though they did not finish it according to Mr. Ken Larson’s excellent site That makes me wonder if this was one of their last shots and they figured they would get their “easter egg” in while they could.
Of course, in the very next effects shot as the shuttle slams into the snow bank its back to the GAL 356 sideboard . . . hmm, since that shuttle was crashed, and basically destroyed now how come GAL 356 shows up in every other episode? Yeah, I know, lovely stock footage and only one (?) filming miniature equals lack of continuity.
Anyway, what I’m asking is for all of you that have the DVD, check it out and tell me if you think my eyes need to get checked or I’m smoking crack, and for those of you with the “Big Dog” contacts with the original artists, well, ask them if THEY know what the heck it REALLY says. I’d truly love to know for curiosity sake what the Truth is, and what you all think.
I’m REALLY curious, as if it really does say VFX 1138 I think mine might just have to be the shuttle that Starbuck crashed on Ice Plant Zero, since I have some nice signed Dirk Benedict “Starbuck *$” signed plaques left . . .
I think that would be appropriate to make this kit a good homage to the shuttle that maybe no one knew existed before . . .
Otherwise, I’m going to have to go with what I was working on before I found all this and started tilting at windmills, and go with GAL 355, as slightly earlier Shuttle hence the differences in details and running gear. And of course, the “SC” after the GAL 356 will change to “RC” since it’s a numeral lower and that’s a letter lower, and also as cheesy as it is thats my initials.
So, cÂ’mon all you lurkers, tell me what you THINK. I know some of you out there have that super-fancy dancy screen cap ability you are just DYING to show off, so . . . prove me RIGHT, or prove me WRONG.