Galactica Shuttle 356


Sr Member
This is the SS Galictica Shuttle from Mike Salzo & Mastered by Sean C & Ryan. As usual excellent casting for m Mike & just a beautiful kit. Almost like doing a full scratchbuild with all the pieces & the hardest part of the hull already completed. Im doing this inbetween my SS Battlestar. Its actually sat for a while & have just dusted her off. the ligts for the cockpit are in & the engine lights will be this week. Im using 5Watt car bulbs for the engines & will be powered on a 12volt mains adaptor. I have today puttied up the seam between the cockpit base & hull aswwell as primered the cockpit pieces for painting. Once I pick up the power supply & button the hull up I will start on the detailing.
Small update. Ive finally got the lights wired up to the power pack for a test before fitting. All seems ok but I tested the heat from the rear bulbs & I have concerns. After being on for just a minute or two they ere quite warm. Im haveing second thoughts on going with the bulbs. I really would like to be able to leave the lights on for some time. My plan is to be able to have all my models lit & able to stay on so I can sit & enjoy them. I believe these bulbs will create too much heat for prolonged activity....
Have cut some circles to use as mounts for the lighting in the Saturn V engines. I drilled out the centres with the Dremel for the light sockets to sit in. They sit nice & flush. I don't want to embed them in epoxy or anything too much just in case they need to come out at some stage :wacko.
Lights in for another check & Im happy with the results. The bulbs definately give it that old school look. Thanks Doug :thumbsup Just need to fit the light switches & can start the fun stuff.
Thanks MC. Ok Im enjoying this build. I had an old picture that was not to be published of the engines & now have one that is already posted in the ref section of the engines that shows reflected halogen lamps. i love the look & have been looking for something similar. I have found something close but has 2 problems. 1 they are AC power & the LED's are DC. 2 they are a bit small or maybe not? The thing is they look damn kool even when off with their reflected domes. Oh sorry, 3 things wrong. these things heat up to 200 degrees c'..... but hey they look bloody kool. Im pretty set on this look. Just gotta find the right bulbs
Its been a pretty productive afternoon on the other bench. I just couldn't help myself & started on detailing the rear & bottom rear sections as they looked to be the most difficult. Yes I am a glutten for punishment. Anyway I really have had a good time this afternoon. I forgot how much fun just building a kit is Better ref would certainly help but am more than thankful for what has been shared. Without it I think we'd be screwed for sure. Any way a couple of bits were broken on my pieces that sit on the backplate & I noticed Doug had the same problem so will fix the same as he did., with some brass rod. Thanks Dougy. Have also drilled those pieces after snapping the bits off that brass power supply tubes go. All is good though am going to get just slightly larger tube for that job.
So after that I secured them so I could drill through for when I attach the brass power rods through the kit pieces. Then I started detailing the back & rear bottom. A couple of hours later & have completed those whole sections! Time just flew & if I hadn't have needed a refresher(scotch) would have kept going. Im really happy with todays effort & had a good time away from all the stress that has been going on this week. Thanks for looking

Hey I might actually finish this model this year
Thanks MC. Its agreat kit & the parts only need minor attention. I was going to use actual kit parts but would just have been a waste. Update soon.
Worked on the front belly section, sides & top this afternoon. Am waiting for some parts from Mr S & have discovered Im also missing another. No problem I m sure it will get taken care of. Unfortunately the Otaki D51 part of all parts has two small bits broken off the end. As its clearly seen in the black & white picture I need a new one,,,yes Im fussy as most of us are here :wacko Theres also some parts on the bit that holds the radar dishes thats not on the original. These are on th refit & replica's so I need that part without the pipes on it as I want it to look like the original replica. Anyway she's taking shape & Im pretty sure Im actually going to get it finished this year:lol Thanks for looking
That is just a thing of Beauty!

It makes me feel like a kid again watching the shuttle on it's way to the Galactica!
Thanks for the kind words. Got a bit more done. Nearly there really. Looking forward to finally painting something.