Free Paper Prop - FARSCAPE John's IASA Security ID


Master Member
Using reference from a recent Creation auction, here is John Crichton's IASA badge. You cant reallyu see him wearing one, but in the Premier his father is clearly wearing an identical badge, but with his name. Size is correct, just print out front and back and laminate. Have fun.



John's IASA Badge Hi-Res

Johnathon's IASA Badge Hi-Res
Very cool... Thanks for making this available. Please don't forget to post to the "Free Paper Props" thread. Great work.
that's cool. Observation- wouldn't that be a visitor's pass, since you have to return it to security? it does strike me as a little odd, his father would have both a return to security badge(with his name) and a photo ID. just an obeservation.
i just figured it was security since it said return to security, but who knows :p Also added Pop's badge
Yeah, I saw the auction back then, and saved off the pics, but never got around to doing the badges. I should have know, someone here would, but I just stumbled on to this thread today. (I'm surprised the links still work. :) )
Re: Free Paper Prop - FARSCAPE John's IASA Security ID

Kylash I applaud you for not taking down images off your site.
Re: Free Paper Prop - FARSCAPE John's IASA Security ID

its mostly out of laziness, but youre welcome :)

be sure to checkout the farscape props forum as well.