Frank Miller's "300"

Ive watched it three times now, and dam. thats a trailer it looks ace.

Some nice arrows and swords that could be made.

i'm getting pretty psyched about this one too...

probably some great helmets...and that gold mask looks cool
Wow, that looks amazing.

The lead character is friggin' intense.

Looks like lots of cool stuff
I saw somewhere that they'll be making official helmets, swords, etc.

I love the graphic novel...I'm cautiously optimistic about the film. I think the extreme color grading is really cool. Hopefully it will disguise the fact that it's all filmed blue screen and not on location.
I haven't read the book but the trailer is amazing. The trailer is so good IMHO, I'm wondering if the film can possibly be as good as that looks. I think in this case it may be possible but I'm trying to not get my hopes TOO high just in case.
The trailer does look good, though I am a little upset that King Leonidas (I assume that's who it is) doesn't have long hair...all the Spartans should have long hair...Definitely eager to see it.

For anyone that wants to read an AWESOME book about the battle of Thermopylae get yourself a copy of Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield. It's a brilliantly told and fairly historically accurate telling of the battle.
New trailer.

This looks awesome.

I cant help but think a tale of free men keeping resolve against a persian empire is relevant today for some reason. The clash of east and west is ancient.

The greeks gave birth to western idiologies of democracy.

If it had been snuffed out then? Just imagine.

I now realize we had a dog in this fight.
Sacrifice for ideals of freedom long ago changed the course of human history.

Spartans, Traitors, and Terrorists