Found the PERFECT mount for SS ships!


Master Member
I was taking pics with my Smith-Victor lights, and realized a solution was staring me in the face for how to get the Panavise's 1/4" threaded nub to jive with a stable rod that I can run through my studio scale builds:



And they're cheeeeep:

Hope this helps you guys. I can mount my Y-wing to the wall now. :love
Hey, that's a cool idea. Plus, that's the right size to fit inside the existing sleeve on most SS models. ;)

A little off-topic, but....who is going to attempt to modify their MR Falcon mount? I'm not real wild about the base, personally. It's a fine product and a great design, and seems to VERY safely support the model. But, doesn't look very SS, IMHO.

Anyone have ideas?

EDIT: one of these days I'll figure out how to spell "sleeve"....sheesh.
I wish they'd have gone with the asteriod base I suggested/sketched (though the sketch looked more like a turd, lol)... it just makes more sense since it's an ESB Falcon. Ah well - plenty easy to retrofit the supplied base with an asteroid façade - do that. I wouldn't futz with the mount - it supplies power to the model, and is well-strengthened to support the weight.
Oh, Moff - you're kidding? That's a great idea.. You shoulda said something sooner and we could have started an RPF petition, or something...
Yeah, I got the Panavise info from him and imaginager, but didn't want to have to jury rig the long stud.

Because who likes to jury rig a stud?


Edit - Petition? Naw, they did the smarter thing, production-wise. I'm more concerned with getting the Falcon into my house, finally, and I can red-deco an uninspired base a LOT easier and cheaper than I can building a SS Falcon.
No doubt. Any day, now. :D I keep waiting for the call from my credit card company, "There seems to have been some activity with your card that is inconsistent with your normal spending habits, so we froze your account..." NOOOOooooooo...

And, you're on your own with that stud. Just to be clear. LOL
That's sweet I likey very much. I'm not going to be able to use the Panavise for the E, it's just too flimsy for soemthing that large. It has to be seriously overtightened to keep it up straight, it keeps wanting to sag.
Forgive my ignorance, but where does one find a Panavise mount? It looks very stable and handy. What kind of weight can that support? A CC X-wing? With a slightly thicker stud attachment, I'm thinking I can use it to mount the X-wing from the rear panel.
The 882s are discontinued - use the 883s which have allen head screw and thumbscrew options. Page 2 on that website.