Flashing Lighsts assistance-Fitness model MODS please move to Costuming!!!


Sr Member
A friend of mine asked me if I could make her a fake guitar for her to use in her final fitness competition in October-- They have a costume thing going on. She was going to dress up like Paul Stanley of Kiss and come out on stage rocking and then for a finale she is going to smash her guitar on stage--what a way to go out--
I still have to get it painted up and such, but just thought it was fun to do this for her.
We are going to have some light strips in this to in order to add to the effect.

I could use some suggestions on how to wire some LED lights that would power off of a 9 volt or small battery. We want them to flash if possible. I know that someone here has a great idea so lets hear them.
There is some photos of her her too.!!!

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Go raid the toy section of your local dollar store. Cheap, pre-wired and you'll probably get a battery included. :thumbsup
well, just figure out where you want the leds to go, probably outlining the pickups and frets, maybe the position dots as well. then use this webpage to calculate what you need to power and wire it: Current limiting Resistor calculator for leds

then wire it up and you're good to go dude. just make the 9v seated in the rear somewhere.