Fish Tank Proofing a painted diecast model?


Master Member
I just picked up a Corgi Die Cast Tardis (the one with Tom Baker's Doctor hanging out) and I intend to put it in my fish tank. What spray coat should I hit it with which will protect the paint on it from the water (and fish) but not be harmful to the life forms in the tank?
I just picked up a Corgi Die Cast Tardis (the one with Tom Baker's Doctor hanging out) and I intend to put it in my fish tank. What spray coat should I hit it with which will protect the paint on it from the water (and fish) but not be harmful to the life forms in the tank?

Wonder what would happen if you let it sit submerged in Future Floor Wax long enough for the wax to coat it inside and out...
I have heard of people using Krylon Fusion to paint fish tank decorations. It is also fairly common to coat fake fish tank rocks in epoxy to seal them (a marine grade epoxy would probably be best).
Enviortex clear epoxy resin.

I used this on my facehugger which was put into a stasis tube with water. It seems to work, but I have no idea if any chemicals from the epoxy leak into the surrounding water.
dropshipbob, how long have you had your Facehugger stored in water? Has anything started to grow in the stasis tube or on the hugger?

Sorry for the hijack! :angel