First time Venom endeavor (help welcomed)


Active Member
I am planning on sculpting a full venom body suit but have never taken on a project of this magnitude and have some questions as I am trying to decide on how to best build the piece. I know the clay sculpt is ruff right now. I have built it on a fiberglass and aluminum frame so that the jaw will move with grate ease. I first designed a pulley system and quickly abandoned that idea I then looked into solenoids and decided that would not work well for realistic motion. I finally settled on elastic bands with a formed chin rest (keep it simple stupid). The aluminum platform in the jaw will also serve as an anchor point for a motor that will make the tong flop on command. Tubing will be run from a reservoir with a priming pump to the mouth so that I can simulate salivation. I will share my specs for the co2 powered web shooter after working out the kinks. In the mean time my questions to all of you are as follows:
1. Should I make it out of silicone or latex.
(I know silicone would look more realistic but I am worried about seaming such a large suit together as I have not seen any video posts on how to do it )
2. If I want to sculpt the hands how would I use the silicone with a two piece mold. (poring latex would be much cheaper and easier but won’t move as well)
3. Should I keep with the tendril look (the symbiote fusing with Brock or should I scratch that idea and keep with the traditional full suit. Take a look at some of my ruff sketches and let me know what you think.)

I know my first sculpt looked more like the violator than venom. (Hence the change.)
the third pick is the tendrils taking over the left side of the face (still needs a lot of work) (the teeth will be changed out this weekend for molded pieces)

work as of 5/3/14
starting to look like venom but still needs some work


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Web Shooter pre-plans

A hollow chamber for loading my "webbing cartridge" will be disguised by venom's classic white rectangle located on the back of his hand. a shark bite coupling will be used to secure flexible nylon pressure tubing to the chamber on one end and a 16g co2 pump/ discharger on the other. The Co2 pump will be in-closed in the control box disguised on my hip. The "Webbing cartridge" will contain a specialized streamer pack. The control box will also house the primer for the saliva tubing and the toggle switch for the tong motor.
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Well another day down. worked on making the teeth today and i think the staggered look is the best. otherwise it looks to uniform. take a look at the picks and video and let me know your thoughts.

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Great work so far Chaz, this is a really awesome and ambitious take on Venom. I personally like the upper teeth how they are and the offset look that you've got going for them. Are you planning on only having the one open eye to see out of when you wear the completed suit? Also I noticed in your sketches that the symbiote won't be covering the whole body. Will the completed suit also follow this semi-formed look?
Yes the plan is to only expose the right eye (I will be wearing my black out scleral contact in that eye) it will Jack with my peripheral vision but it is doable I did it one other time years ago with a terminator peace and my other I was covered up with the red LED. I plan to continue with a semi formed look. However I have this all planned so that I can add additional pieces such as the legs and feet if the semi formed suit down to my knees does not turn out as I imagined it. As you can see with my original sketch my face was going to be inside of the mouth but quickly change that so that I could go with a more unique look something a little different then what I was seeing with other peoples work. Ithink I'm getting close to being done with the head sculpt and will be casting it soon here's a full video link take a look and let me know what you think. After I cast the head I will begin working on the body late next week probably. as long as my wife doesn't kill me for spending too much time in the garage haha.
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this is all i could get done before the end of the contest but the work will go on..........
I should be ready to cast the mask later this week.

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I started doing some test trials with Smooth-On's Rebound 25 for building my mold today. So far so good if every thing comes out good i should be able to fully form the mold tomorrow. I have also started the trial process with their FlexFoam-6 to lair between the finished Dragon Skin and my fabric underlay. I Just doped $500 on product so if any of you have worked with Smooth-On and have any advice to keep me from making costly mistakes i would love to hear it. I should be able to post some picks tomorrow.

? Will Rebound 25 cure if it come in contact with Vaseline
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Well Boys and Girls The Natural air dry clay from Micheals art supply must contain sulfur because My Rebound 25 will not cure on it. :( I hope i did not waste all that time sculpting for nothing. I am going to try and seal it with clear acrylic spray to see is if the thin barrier will allow the Rebound 25 to cure on top of it. I will also do a test aria with spray paint over the clay to see which works better or at all.
We are now 7 hrs post pot time so it should be fully cured. But only the top has cured so far. That is farther than I got with no paint barrier between the clay and the Rebound 25. I will Let it sit over night to see if miracles really do happen :) ........ but i am not going to hold my breath.

If any one has fixed a similar problem I am all ears.
Have tried to cover the clay with a spray on acrylic but it did not work. the top did cure but it left a tacky lair between it and the clay. So tonight i am painting 3 coats of 3 different types of paint over 3 separate peaces of clay. One will have 3 coats of a spray on clear polyurethane, one will have 3 coats of black Krylon spray paint, and the final will have 3 coats of a brown Rustoleum paint. I will let them dry over night and then coat them with Rebound 25 in the am. If none of them work than i will scrap this sculpt and use a clay i know is sulfur free. !!!!!!! Don't try to save a buck, get the right stuff the first time. !!!!!!!! LESSON LEARNED
Kills.............. ladies and gentlemen Kills is my saviour. Two coats of the spray oil based primer and we are in business the Rebound 25 cured in about 6hrs. now I can finally move forward.

on another note the web shooter prototype has been made and works rather well. I will post a you-tube video later this weekend.
Web Shooter pre-plans

Web shooter overview:
A hollow chamber for loading my "webbing cartridge" will be disguised by venom's classic white rectangle located on the back of his hand. a shark bite coupling will be used to secure flexible nylon pressure tubing to the chamber on one end and a 16g co2 pump/ discharger on the other. The Co2 pump will be in-closed in the control box disguised on my hip. The "Webbing cartridge" will contain a specialized streamer pack. The control box will also house the primer for the saliva tubing and the toggle switch for the tong motor.
Webbing trial:

I am not done will post more later I still have more ideas to improve the device.
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Very innovative, I'm liking this project more and more! Can't wait to see more updates as you progress both the technical aspects and the actual molding process as well.