
I took the New Kong Import/Export tags that I created for my Chinese Cooler project, and created six different tags for each. They have a random number set to show visits through the New Kong Customs House at different times.

The pdfs were created on 8.5" x 11" with crop marks. A big thanks to Frank again.

Import -

Export -

Customs tags as shown on the cooler.
I took the New Kong Import/Export tags that I created for my Chinese Cooler project, and created six different tags for each. They have a random number set to show visits through the New Kong Customs House at different times.

The pdfs were created on 8.5" x 11" with crop marks. A big thanks to Frank again.

Import -

Export -

Customs tags as shown on the cooler.

Can't hold out much longer:cry:cry
Keelhauler Transport and Trading Company might seem like a fly by night business at first glance, especially to the larger companies and the handful of mega-corporations in the Verse, but not so. Not only does Keelhauler thrive with its handful of old transports and seemingly remote offices, but it manages to pick up so much business that falls through the economic cracks of the Core that it excels on several fronts.

First, the Keelhauler fleet is small, so maintenance is small. Rather than maintain a large fleet of ships and shuttles in endless need of repair or replacement, Keelauler piggybacks more than 85% of its transport and trade with other cargo ships, ingoing and outgoing passenger liners and smugglers already bound for destinations favorable to shipping and receiving.

Second, Keelhauler has little to no overhead. Small runs in great quantities means big business with little storage or stock issues.

Also, the name is hard to forget. Even if one could forget such a name (with that special 'I'm sorry...what?' quality) Keelhauler itself would never let you forget it. What Keelhauler lacks in large advertising funds, it more than makes up for in the liberal distribution of cheap print goods.

Ship a box or two for Keelhauler and expect to walk away with a t-shirt or two and a handful of classic postcards (perfect for that handwritten wave from the Rim).

"Dear Ma. Our postman got ate by Reavers, but the youngin's are just fine."




NOTE: These are set up as U.S. standard sized postcards for mailing. You should print these on pretty heavy cardstock, or they'll fail as actual postcards.
Beaumonde Bonded Carrier and Forwarding Operations form

This was one of my first ship's papers, but it took forever to get everything just so. I wanted to create documents that reflected the cultural diversity of the Verse, beyond the all too obvious super Chinese/Anglo super culture. I love Mandarin as a language, but this form allowed me to explore a little French, so I chose to do a form out of Beaumonde. I was also lucky enough to find an actual bonded carrier form out of Canada, which already had most of the translations in English and French.

My special thanks to my wife, who typed all the French for this document, 'cause this thing is text intensive. Also a big thanks and a nod to the indomitable Whitefall for passing along some last minute information from the Atlas of the Verse, so that I could finish the instructions side of this form (specifically the names of port cities for the addresses, i.e. Bander Docks & BIC Commercial Docks).

Appréciez !

Yellowjacket -

Awesome job. These look incredible. Very nice of you to share and also to personalize for a member's son. I salute you and your effort.

He's smart, too. The more free well-done Firefly props on the Web, the better the chances that some enterprising souls make more fan films or (dare I dream?) fan series.

Bravo, sir!
Thank you, all.

I'm enjoying the run of goods. I plan to convert my garage into a huge rec room, entirely decked out to look like the inside of a cargo ship from Firefly, so these props will be visible throughout.
Yellowjacket, some corrections for the french language:

#5 Nom et titre de la ou des personnes.
#8 Surface carrier = transporteur de surface.
#13 Numéro de cautionnement
#18 Bureau du BBC-FOD désigné au point de ...
#19/E Point d'entrée à Beaumonde
#19/F Point de dégagement à Beaumonde

I am reading the back...
I am not shocked. Literacy seems to be an optional prerequisite for government service even today. Why should that change? :)
This is true.

As for French...I just started learning it two days ago. Seriously. When I'm not playing Firefly, I play pirate at several huge events. Real cannons. Real steel. Real ships. And soon...real French.
Living in Canada myself, we're supposed to have 2 official languages French and English.

If you ask most people, the 2 languages they speak most is English and Bad English (and that includes most government employees):rolleyes.
pardon my ignorance, but I've never heard of this type of form. Is it something a capitan has to fill out in order to transport cargo/passengers off-world?

and BTW, these papers look -awesome-!! thank you so much for sharing your work.
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there's also a difference between Quebecois french, and Parisian french. I took french in high school in the states, and when i was in living in canada, the french speakers used to laugh at me maniacally and eventually they fixed my french. then i went to france with one of my Quebecois french friends, and they stared at us like we were some kind of strange provincial, and were constantly correcting our french.

Once we got outside of Paris, people were much nicer. I'd rather be in Quebec, or France away from paris, than have anything to do with Paris. heh.
It is always the same when I send corrections for french translation.

People are not happy ! They think they don't need anyone else.

It doesn't matter for me, this is just a service.

I don't care if you are ridiculous.

It is the same for the back of the intructions, too many corrections !

But if this kind of official paper really exists with so many errors, it is a shame.
pardon my ignorance, but I've never heard of this type of form. Is it something a capitan has to fill out in order to transport cargo/passengers off-world?

No, yes and maybe.

No, because they're not canon (and you might be smuggling people and things and not care). Yes, if you are shipping people and goods and feel that you have to fill out everything the Alliance pushes at you. Maybe, because you want to have options.

Bonded Carrier forms are common under free trade laws such as Nafta and I'm building props for several different Firefly fan projects, so I wanted a wide variety of additional forms. They aren't the sort of forms you must have to fly from point a to point b, but rather these are forms you could have or might have when shipping goods. Of course if you're smuggling, you might not care.

Mostly these are for people who want a little more of the Verse. One more spice for the spice cabinet.

and BTW, these papers look -awesome-!! thank you so much for sharing your work.

Thank you. There are so many more of these to come.
It is always the same when I send corrections for french translation.

People are not happy ! They think they don't need anyone else.

It doesn't matter for me, this is just a service.

I don't care if you are ridiculous.

It is the same for the back of the intructions, too many corrections !

But if this kind of official paper really exists with so many errors, it is a shame.

I didn't know anyone who speaks French well enough to have this proffed in advance, so thank you. I do plan to do a few more French documents down the road. Can I send them your way for proofing?
I didn't know anyone who speaks French well enough to have this proffed in advance, so thank you. I do plan to do a few more French documents down the road. Can I send them your way for proofing?

Sure you can send theim for corrections and if you need "official transportation" documents I can ask to many source ...

The pdf you provide is for bond carrier in french "porteur d'action" ... strange source ! haha ... I will give a look to find you something more close of your document's idea ...

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