Firefly Datapad Completed (Show off)


Sr Member
Hello all,

First, thanks to all the people in this thread who contributed to this awesome found parts prop :) Also, thanks especially to Sith Sheriff Brody for the graphics. This was the thread that identified everything, I hope it will get archived.

This is Version 1 using the Fellowes Type n Go for PDA and the Franklin RF8121 Rolodex. Version 2 will use the Franklin RF8110.

To build this, I first painted the Franklin 8121 using Rust-oleum Metallic Spray Paint (label is 7271 Silver Metallic). I then took the unit apart (tiny screws, beware large hands) which was easy and painless. When I removed the display I found that I needed to replace it with something else, so I cut a piece of 1/8" Plexiglass to fit the display and took out the old display. You might need to add some filler to get the plexi to stay, or use a little thicker plexi. WHen doing this, I cut the display from the chip that it was connected to, I still used the chip to hold the plex in place.

The Screen Guard was formed by cutting it first with the dremel. I cut a straight line then used a Desktop Grinder to shape it. I had to grind down the sides under the bumps as well to get a flat fit so it would allow the lid on the Type n Go to close and secure.

Otherwise, it took about 1 1/2 hours to build from start to finish.

Sorry about the bad pics, I was using a crappy camera.





The files below are high resolution graphics for the Datapad supplied by Sith Sheriff Brody.

Just right click and save as.

Graphic 1

Graphic 2
Great job mate did you backlight it?
still could do with a little higher definition graphic if anyone can work wonders with it?
Does it close ok?
Great work Amish. Looks good. I may have to reevalute my possition on this as a static prop. Like Judgedredd, I'd love to know if you tried to light it. I would expct you could just use the battery and wiring set up already in the Franklin to run the LEDs.

Again, nice work.
Shiny. Could you maybe take some photos of the modded pieces disassembled? It would help to get an idea exactly what needs to be cut & where...

Temba his arms wide. :D
I will snap some more pics tomorrow, the screen guard is now attached and not coming off :) But the good news is, i will be starting another one tomorrow using the 8110.

I didnt try and backlight it, I dont think it would be that hard to do either. I am not that advanced in doing something like that, but I may take a look at radioshack and see if they have an idiot proof kit I can try :)

BTW, the graphics are pretty sharp, the camera that I used just sucks.

Thanks for the compliments.

Spiffy. And you used my graphic :D I'm flattered.

I have hi-rez versions if anyone wants them. About 1 Mb each.

Originally posted by Sith Sheriff Brody@Jan 30 2006, 04:15 PM
I have hi-rez versions if anyone wants them. About 1 Mb each.


PM sent :D
Originally posted by Sith Sheriff Brody@Jan 30 2006, 04:15 PM
Spiffy. And you used my graphic :D I'm flattered.

I have hi-rez versions if anyone wants them. About 1 Mb each.


I'd love it. PM Sent.
Originally posted by Sith Sheriff Brody@Jan 30 2006, 05:15 PM
Spiffy. And you used my graphic :D I'm flattered.

I have hi-rez versions if anyone wants them. About 1 Mb each.

I PM'd Sith Sheriff to see if I can host the files for him, if it is ok, I will post the links in here and in free paper props.
Nice work.

And hey, guess what? I just found that "login" screen elsewhere -- on Inara's monitor as she goes through client's waves at the beginning of "Shindig." Looks like it's a standard "Firefly-OS" screen... which is nice, since I was thinking of using my extra TypeNGo to make a "civilian cortex link":


Originally posted by amish@Jan 31 2006, 10:18 PM
The files below are high resolution graphics for the Datapad supplied by Sith Sheriff Brody. 

Just right click and save as.

Graphic 1

Graphic 2
Thanks Tom -- one more thing I just noticed -- the top two icons show up again as the "inside the circle" images on her screen -- the "double crosses" (bottom left of Inara's screen) is the top left icon on Dobson's PDA. The "three crescents" image (center bottom on Inara's screen) is in the top right position on Dobson's screen.

It also seems this "three crescents" image means "Access the Cortex" or somesuch, as when Dobson tries to go online, that icon on his PDA turns yellow, and the image itself appears larger in the center.

SO.. in "Verse OS" I think we can safely say that you click one of the icons around the circle, it becomes active and appears in the center of the circle.. then the whole circle-of-icons set moves to the bottom of the screen and gives you your working screen.

I've been trying to figure the setup out. .maybe give the OS a go in Flash or suchlike once I figure out how it all works together.. :confused

Originally posted by amish@Feb 1 2006, 12:05 PM

Great find.
I think the way I would look at it (in the fictional Firefly world) is that the datapad has a "palm" version of the OS kinda like Windows CE or whatever it is on actual Palms. The palm version might use the big central circle with the ocons around the sides but the regular version might leave the icons across the bottom, like a task bar. The double crosses to me look like a little people icon (see PM Kaylee), perhaps it represents a contact list, the cresents do seem to mean a connection to the central cortex. Then the one on the bottom right of her screen might bring up an aplication menu or something.

Hmm...I might be over analyzing it though. LOL.
Hey Kaylee -

Do you happen to have the graphic for the Alliance logo to cover the Fellowes name that you had mentioned a while back? My parts are coming together, and I'd love to be able to put one of these on the front.