Firefly Ariel Ambulance Rescue! Link to pics!


New Member
Well, I got to tag along with the gang today to rescue the Ariel Ambulance that was in Firefly, episode "Ariel".

It took a while to get it worked out, but we were able to preserve a piece of Firefly history. A couple of other board memberes were there as well, and we will have pics up very soon.

Here is my buddy's live journal entry for the Rescue. He is the guy who was actually the genesis of this whole thing.

Much more pics, and video to come.
Well done.

I don't know how many times I've watched that series on DVD now. Criminally insane that they were axed.
Yeah, I definately cant wait to see pictures of the rescue, I was so glad to find out yesterday that enough money was raised to buy it.