As a budgeted Indy, I think it looks great. Especially impressed with the self-done parts. I think trying to find stuff that can pass as accurate is almost as much fun as trying to find the source of the original stuff at times. And you've done a stellar job at tracking down some of that stuff. Most people won't notice a difference unless they are gear heads...
A few things of note really need to dirty up them shoes, and possibly get them darker if you can. The one thing that does stand out is the hat. If you ever intend to replace pieces as you go, I'd start with that. I realize you're working with a 15 dollar hat, but the brim, height and bash are just off. Also, not sure if you actually crack your whip, but if you do, be careful what you treat it with as most leather treatment products will allow the leather plaits to stretch and break the fibers when put under the stress of a whip crack. Stick with Pecard's or my personal preference is Fiebing's saddle soap and Aussie Leather Conditioner. Again, overall, these are just a few nit picks in a great costume.