streetjudge79 Master Member RPF PREMIUM MEMBER Apr 14, 2007 #1 Well after months of diddling with him, he is finally done. I may be putting him up for sale on ebay though, need the cash. This guy is 20.5 inches tall crouching and weighs a ton!
Well after months of diddling with him, he is finally done. I may be putting him up for sale on ebay though, need the cash. This guy is 20.5 inches tall crouching and weighs a ton!
R ralphee Sr Member Apr 15, 2007 #3 Thats fantastic work there, as it goes this is one of my favorite sculpts of the predator, its just menacing! lee
Thats fantastic work there, as it goes this is one of my favorite sculpts of the predator, its just menacing! lee
frosty Sr Member Apr 15, 2007 #4 great job! love the paintjob, youve just reminded me i have a similar kit, but the standing version, in a box somewhere.
great job! love the paintjob, youve just reminded me i have a similar kit, but the standing version, in a box somewhere.