Final Fantasy TSW guns - looking for reference


Master Member
I am feeling ambitious and I figured a nice post Dragon Con project for me might be to put together the pistol and machine guns (looks like there may have been 2 or 3 types) from Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

I know I have seen these before on the boards, but after a search could not find the thread I was thinking of. If anyone might have decent reference please post it here.

I also know I've seen the costumes at various conventions, so if anyone has pics of the live action guys who made these, or if they are memebers here, I'd appreciate it.

Here is all I could find.







Thank in advance.

Hi. We are the Live action guys that put these suits together.
There's not much reference I can supply you with, but I can tell you that we got most of our information from the "Art of Final Fantasy" book, as well as the DVD. Another good reference is the 1/6th scale figure.

Our group made the Nocturne rifle, the General Hein pistol, and we are working on finishing the submachine gun (we have all the wood, master forms thanks to Mr. Morganthirteen) used by General Hein's bad guys.

The General Hein pistol is also slated for serious re-working and may become available in kit form.

The Nocturn rifle is not a project for the faint hearted. It was a SERIOUS prototype to create, and our project involved a completely built-up master that was rejected by the majority of the group as being too small. It is also one helluva mold to make.

The may be some pic's on our old site:

Best of luck.

OH. I almost forgot.
Please don't confuse us with Nightmare Armor.

For the record, Hangar 18 Studios were the first group to create these costumes and props for private ownership. Nightmare Armor referenced our suits (as well as the same source material we used) and created their own versions of everything.

Hangar 18 Studios has allowed very few artifacts to be released outside of the members circle. Nightmare Armor sells their items freely.

Compare any of the items from the two and you will see that Hangar 18's quality is greater than NA's

Cool, thanks for the reply. I will check the website post haste.

By the way, I'm not going to be selling anything. I'm looking to build these guns strictly for my own collection.

Thank you.