Film Paintings and Maps. Resource.......


Sr Member
G'day folks,

I was in the printers the other day and was amazed at some of their canvas prints. Reproductions of famous art at full size. Really nice.

Anyways...I was thinking about what paintings and maps ect from movies would look cool on my wall. What do you have?

I always LOVED that canvas run someone did a while ago of the scene from LOTR with Sauron and I'd LOVE one of those. Who made it?

Anyways...thought I might compile a list for us all. Help it grow guys. Maps and paintings, what's cool?

Baron Von Fro(a)nkenstein portait (Young Frankenstein)
Third Trial Painting (The Last Crusade IAJ)
Cruxifiction Painting (The Last Crusade IAJ)
Battling Knights (Van Helsing)
Vlad The Impaler Portrait (Bram Stoker's Dracula)
Portrait of Captain James Hook (Hook)
Dorian Gray Portrait (LOEG)
Biff "Trump" painting (BTTF II)
Vigo the Carpathian (Ghostbuster II)
Sauron & Isildur final battle painting (LOTR)
The Cylon war Painting (New Series BSG)
Skull Island map (King Kong 1933)
King Kong map (Peter Jackson's)
Indy's map from the start of (ROTLA)
McQuarrie of the "Ark of the Covenant" bible page (ROTLA)
Time Bandits map (Time Bandits)
Goonies Map (The Goonies)
Tour/map brocure (Jurrasic Park)
Pencil drawings of Rose (Titanic)
LOTR "Hobbit" map (LOTR)
Map of entire Middle Earth as seen at the beginning of the first film
Big A. Savage map (LOTR)
Map to Humanuptra (The Mummy)
Map (Jewel of the Nile)
Map (Romancing the Stone)
Treasure map (City Slickers I)
Marauder Map (Harry Potter)
Wheel Map (POTC 3)
Map made by Doc in 1885 (BTTF III)
Serenity/Firefly (Various maps & charts)
Trap drawings (Home Alone Series)
Mt Vernon Schematic (National Treasure II)
Map of the Pipeworks (City of Ember)
Transmission Info (Contact)
Map (Blair witch project)
Time machine map (Idiocracy)
Lucas Ranch map (Fanboys)
Opening Credits map (BONANZA tv)
Cornelious map (POTA)
Zauis's office map (POTA tv)
McKenna's Gold Credits map (Western Film)

OK...what have I missed? Got a rendition of one of these masterpieces? Post a pic? Want one? Lets do a run?

I LOVE MAPS!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

I've been trying for years to get a Vigo the Carpatian print going, but noone ever seems to be able to get a pic when they're at ILM.

I'd love to work on a POTC3 map . . .that thing's nuts!!!
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

GOOD call on GB II......I loved that. I bet we have some talented photoshoppers that could do it. Printed on canvas.YUM! Full size would be a little scary though......

Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

Full size it will be scary... HUGE!
But cool nonetheless!;)
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

Well, when I think of "iconic" it usually brings up a few requirements.
1) The movie has to be a classic.
2) The prop has to have a pretty good shot in the film.

I would include the Skull Island map from the original 1933 King Kong- The film is a classic, and the map has a pretty good close up shot in the movie.
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

I always wanted the Biff "Trump" painting from BTTF part 2.

Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

I'd like to see Dorian Gray's from LOEG
Well, I can easily take a pic of myself in the same clothes and print it on canvas... I don't know why, but in the poster he looks exactly like me! (unfortunately I think he looks better in real life!:lol)
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

I always LOVED that canvas run someone did a while ago of the scene from LOTR with Sauron and I'd LOVE one of those. Who made it?

I'd love one of those as well. Seen some displayed in some people's collections and it looks beautiful. :)
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

Yes...I seem to remember someone doing a run a while ago in differnt sizes. Small. medium an OMG!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone know who did this run?????

Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

Biff "Trump" painting (BTTF II)
Vigo the Carpathian (Ghostbuster II)
Sauron & Isildur final battle painting
The Cylon war Painting (New Series BSG)
King Kong map (Peter Jackson's)
Indy's map from the start of "Raiders"
LOTR "Hobbit" map
Big A. Savage LOTR map
City Slickers Treasure map
Marauder Map (Harry Potter)
POTC 3 Wheel Map (You know the one I mean)
Map made by Doc in 1885 (BTTF III)

Agree to that...

I like the Jurassic Park Maps, too. The drawing from Titanic, the map from national treasure, the hook painting from Hook and dont laugh; the the trap drawings from home alone... :)
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

All of the maps (and pretty much anything else on paper and even the script used for the ring itself) for the LotR films were done by a New Zealand artist named Daniel Reeve. Daniel’s a friend of mine and one hell of a talented cartographer and calligrapher. He’s devised all sorts of techniques for staining paper to create any kind of parchment you can think of. Check out his website at to see some of his stuff. He also did the cartography for Peter Jackson’s King Kong and the Narnia films among others.

The first time I met him, he did a custom invitation to Bilbo’s 111th birthday for me. Great stuff!
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

Don't forget the Third Trial Painting hanging in Henry Jones house. The knight walking across the crevasse towards the grail.
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

All good calls folks. Can't believe I forgot the Indy stuff lol

This will turn into quite a good reference for people wanting to stock their walls I think. Or choosing something to replicate even;)

Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

All of the maps (and pretty much anything else on paper and even the script used for the ring itself) for the LotR films were done by a New Zealand artist named Daniel Reeve. Daniel’s a friend of mine and one hell of a talented cartographer and calligrapher. He’s devised all sorts of techniques for staining paper to create any kind of parchment you can think of. Check out his website at to see some of his stuff. He also did the cartography for Peter Jackson’s King Kong and the Narnia films among others.

The first time I met him, he did a custom invitation to Bilbo’s 111th birthday for me. Great stuff!

I got his folded middelearth maps. Very nice maps, I like to have the unfolded pergament maps, but these are cool too...
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

I'm partial to the Sally Jupiter poster that gets smashed in the Comedian's fight scene, from the Watchmen movie.

But then again, I'm biased. ;)
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

Well, when I think of "iconic" it usually brings up a few requirements.
1) The movie has to be a classic.
2) The prop has to have a pretty good shot in the film.

It should also need no explanation, or a very minimum one.
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

Map from Romancing the Stone
Map of entire Middle Earth as seen at the beginning of the first movie
Map of the Pipeworks from Ember

That's all I can think of now.

Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

Hey buddy!

Don't forget the McQuarrie painting of the Ark of the Covenant as seen in his huge book!
Re: Paintings and maps......What's Iconic???

I have a Time Bandit's map and a 33 Kong.
I made the Kong map with acrylic paint for the lines and coffee for the shading.

Didn't have brown ink, besides the coffee makes it more authentic. :lol
