Fettster's Captain America mask...

Larry Young

Master Member
... put to good use:

That's my brother-in-law, Thayer. He's an adventure writer, so if you read Outside or Men's Health or something, you've probably read something by him. He's a stud, and all, but I note he comes to raid my Magic Closet every year for Halloween. :)


He kind of looks like Mark Wahlberg, in real life. Here's a link to some of his videos that go along with his print articles:

NEED MORE PIX OF THE CAT CHICK (& what is that, electrical tape?)... :eek:love

OT: the Cap costume is awesome. :thumbsup
^^ yeh. i was about to say, the catwoman chick is a total babe, more pics of her!

that IS a damn awesome mask. makes me wish i had a real jawline so i could get away wearing a wicked mask look like that X-)
I'm not sure and and and correct me if I'm wrong but I think I see ... a nipple.

Seriously though... :eek
On Cat woman? Nope, look close, it appears to be a pearl pink painted thumbnail, tho I thought nip as well...
Like all cute chicks, she's apparently nuts. I don't know what she's wearing; I wasn't there. All the pictures like that of me are from 1983. :)

:lol Larry, chances are you are absolutely correct. I was born in 1983 and believe me...that theory holds true today as well....I refer you to the Hot/Crazy Scale...

YouTube - Barney Stinson How i met your mother, Hot,Crazy SCALE Barney Stinson

And my last 3 ex-girlfriends apply to this....BIG time...

On Topic....Awesome Cap mask!!! :thumbsup