Ferengi makeup piece for Star Trek: Phase II (pic heavy)

Vermithrax 4

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Here's a Ferengi foam prosthetic I was commissioned to create for an episode of James Cawley's "Star Trek: Phase II" currently being filmed. It was sculpted in Chavant clay, molded in Ultracal and run in latex and polyfoam. I would have preferred to have used foam latex but lack of time prevented it. The finished foam piece turned out quite nice and we pre-painted it with PAX and rubber mask greasepaint. I'll post shots of the finished makeup once I have them. Enjoy!


Ferengi sculpture 24.jpg Ferengi sculpture 25.jpg Ferengi sculpture 26.jpg Ferengi sculpture 27.jpg Ferengi sculpture 28.jpg Ferengi sculpture 29.jpg Ferengi sculpture 30.jpg Ferengi sculpture 31.jpg Ferengi sculpture 32.jpg Ferengi mold 4.jpg Ferengi foam 1.jpg Ferengi foam 3.jpg Ferengi foam 7.jpg Ferengi foam 8.jpg Ferengi painted 1.jpg Ferengi painted 2.jpg Ferengi painted 3.jpg Ferengi painted 4.jpg Ferengi painted 5.jpg Ferengi painted 6.jpg Ferengi painted 7.jpg
Thank you, Alan, much appreciated, Sir. And yes, I will be posting some shots of the finished makeup. I didn't get to go up for the actual shoot. They're actually applying it and shooting those scenes today so you can imagine I'm pretty anxious to see how it turns out. :)
Wow...this is fantastic!

Did you have to mold and cast the actor's head first, who is going to where this? Or is it a sort of one-size-fits-all kind of piece.

I'd be tempted to also make a free-standing life-sized sculpt out of this also.
Looks really good, I just don't see why Phase II have to compound Enterprise's error by including Ferengi in the TOS era (unless it has a scene set in the TNG/DS9 era)
Thanks everyone! Yes, we made a cast of the performer's head first. He's a good friend of mine named Clayton Sayre. They shot his scenes today up at the Phase II studio. I hope to have some good pics of the finished makeup soon. And I have no idea how they're working the Ferengi into the TOS stories, I haven't read the script for this episode.
Here are some shots of the finished Ferengi makeup taken on the set. We're still waiting for hi-res shots that the official photographer took. Since I was unable to attend the shoot the piece was applied by Jim Bray and Brian Holloway and they did a fantastic job of it. The second shot is with Brian Gross, Phase II's new Captain Kirk; Jim Bray is in the third shot; Brian Holloway is in the last shot with Clayton Sayre as the Ferengi and Robert Withrow as the Fleet Admiral.
Ferengi.jpg Ferengi Clayton.jpg IMG_0323.JPG IMG_0320.JPG Ferengi, Brian & Admiral.jpg
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