Farscape John Crichton Costume Reference Request, Please


Master Member
Greetings all!

I started a Farscape rewatch recently and my interest in all things related has been rekindled.

I read through a few of the older threads on the board, and sadly almost all of the images have disappeared over time. With photobucket going paywall, wacky chimp retiring, and personal websites disappearing... it's a reference desert out there!

Does anyone have any good pics of Crichtons main costume they can post or share? The red vest? The Black Trench? The black pants? All that stuff! A user in one thread had a whole photo bucket folder filled with photos of the screen used Crichton suit, but only two or three images were shared in posts, so all the others are lost.

Aside from the standard TV formatting, I think the show still REALLY holds up. I think the VFX are still ahead of their time by decades, literally. All the creatures, sets, props, costumes and all that stuff STILL look amazing and better than a lot of stuff on TV today.
I've got the Trench pictures:
This reminds me - I cosplayed as Crichton at a convention three years ago and most people thought I was Starlord. LOL

BTW - Farscape is an amazing show. It’s so good and I agree, it still holds up.
nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to people mis-identifying costumes. My favorite was a couple years ago when I was The Flash and someone said "oooo Tomato Man!!!"

nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to people mis-identifying costumes. My favorite was a couple years ago when I was The Flash and someone said "oooo Tomato Man!!!"

That’s hilarious.

My wife and I were at a convention and a teen went running up to the man walking in front of us and said “wow, great Logan costume, can I take your picture?” The guy looked confused and said “uh, I guess”. The teen took a picture and said “thanks!” As he ran off. The guy, still looking confused said “I’ll be wearing a costume later today.” Lol

I guess any guy with mutton chops is automatically a Logan cosplayer. Lol