Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger Finished! pg 8

Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

I need to finish pepping mine. I posted what I have done so far at the outpost(LIBERTYprime). I ended up pepping the Enclave remnant helmet instead. I like the way you are going about "rebuilding" it out of plastic. Makes me want to scrap the pep and just scratch build it.
Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

Checking this thread each day for updates. I like what I'm seeing so far :u
Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

Okay folks, big update,
i've been working hard getting the amp on the front of the mask looking right, which isnt easy when its from scratch.
couldn't find a pipe the right diameter to use for it, so i had to improvise.. now i have to do something similar for the gas canister! not going to be fun.




sometime round this period i noticed i was doing it wrong, and had to tear the pieces apart and redo them, so the gap between the sections were even all the way along, rather than kind of arcing outwards.

i felt the mask was too wide, so i cut a slit in the side

and attached it closer.

I also began work with my favorite type of weathering, BATTLE DAMAGE!
so i took my trusty soldering iron to the foam.








some people have been curious with how i rigged the straps at the back, so for their benefit.
the silver thing on the strap is a safety pin, i will add a line or two of stitching, once i am satisfied with the entire vest.
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Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

Sorry if this has already been asked........where did you get that foam for the body armor?

Thanks for the info.
Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

dude amazing battle damage, very impressed!

P.S i have transformer PJ's too!
Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

proper epic dude im currently playing FNV and about to go on a hunt for this armor, question are you going to atempt the glowing red eye gogs? if so i wounderd if rigging some batry powerd red led's just under the eye slots would work granted you would probs be blinded, hhmmm never mind lol cant wait to see more pics
Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

Okay awesome PJ's aside,
got some more work done.
Firstly, as much as i liked the burn marks and blackening of the foam with the soldering iron, i am not content to leave the armor a simple grey with a few scratch marks.
it needs to look dirty and have a somewhat paintchippy look to areas.

i cannot speak more highly for this spraypaint however, in the shot you can see it, Plastidip,
works a charm on foam, and holds paint to it perfectly, a great primer


after i've gotten the front amp sorted, i needed to make the filter canister, and was at a total loss for how to do it until i routed through some of my junk box, i found something almost perfect!
it was a cheap dollar store purchase at a japanese market, i bought a couple of them for things like a potential stick grenade prop, or other such ideas.

cut it in half

and the bottom now slides inside the top.

for the more observant of you,
this detail shot shows an interesting detail that looks like a series of thin discs held inside the canister.
so i'm going to have to try to replicate that.

hey, the hole only shows about a quarter of the possible inside of the canister.. why not cheat?
work smart, not hard!
so i saved my fingers some pain and divided each disc i cut into four.

i think it works.

now, back to the armor,
i want to keep the channels between the plates black, so i'm using some blue painters tape.


hard to tell but i've given it a coat of gunmetal as my "raw" armor color, i'll be painting the grey over this in select places to give it an extra weathered look.

i also think the plastidip is a great stuff to try with the canister, so i'm giving it a coat of it before i give it some regular primer, we shall see how it goes.
Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

That is just an awesome piece of work. Your intention to detail is very impressive, and you definitely have the details on this piece nailed down.
Haven't tried my hand at pep work yet myself, but the more I watch this thread, the more I'm thinking I'll have to :thumbsup

Keep it up sir.
Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger



Seriously, it's pretty cool.
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Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

So after my dremel tool exploded in my hands, and burnt it'self out (as well as my hand) i decided to give up on the steel helmet route.
at this time of frustration, a friend suggested i use the fiberglass helmet liners they used.
i've got to say, they work very very well for the design, much closer to the head, and i can much easier add a camera box.
though i'm not sure how to add a dent to them, i'm honestly considering cutting a hole and filling it with bondo to leave it the impression of a dent.




speaking of bondo, i needed to fill a few areas.

now i just need a few tubes and cables, add abit of damage, add the camera on one side, and the ear 'pod' on the other side.
then i'll just fiberglass the inside, lenses, tinting.. holy crap i have alot to do.
Re: Fallout New Vegas: NCR Veteran Ranger

Sw33t work! looking really good! If you ever get the time you to mold it and make copies cheat out this guys work and see if it can help you. Keep up the good work!