Fallout 3 help?


Sr Member
Alright, I've been lurking some of the Fallout 3 costume threads and I've decided to definitely make my own. Thing is, I don't just want to do the jumpsuit. I want to look like I've been in the wastes for a while. I've been looking at the different outfits you can acquire through the playthrough, and I want to do the Badlands armor.


For those of you who've done this kind of costume before, any tips? I'm quite new at video game costumes and I want to do this right. I also wanted to see if anyone could either point me in the direction of where I could go to get some of these elements or to someone who could just make it for me. Especially with the Pip-Boy. I'm not quite ready to tackle that on my own.

I don't really need this done by Halloween, but I do want it by "Pretend to be a Time Traveler" day, or at least next cosplay season.

Any help you could offer would be AMAZING.
Here is the suggestions I can offer for a costume like this.

First, the pip-boy.
You say you're not quite ready to tackle that yourself - but it doesn't have to be as difficult as it seems. Have a look at a tutorial for a foam pip-boy I put together a while back: Tutorial. It's cheap, it's "easy" and the result is OK.

If you still think you're not up to this - start looking for a Pipboy clock (the one that was sold with the special collector's edition of Fallout 3). You can find this easily on eBay - there always seems to be a couple posted there.

Second - the costume.
Since you're going with something that look (for the most part) like everyday items (boots, leather belt, short short, etc), then you could pretty much hit a goodwill place and get everything you need... then it becomes about distressing what you've bought to look like you've been in the wasteland for a while.

Let me direct you to a list of fabric weathering/distressing tutorial posted over at the Wasteland Outpost: Link.

Third and last, have a look around at the Wasteland Outpost... it's a little fallout costuming community that has a lot to share.