The "mouth" area is actually easy. I think it took about 20 minutes to do.
I used Model Colors Flat brown and added a litlle transperant red. puth them together in a flat dish for mixing paints. Din't mix the together very much.
Just the brown with the red on top of that. Dipped my brush in it an painted the basic area that color with a wide brush.
Let i settle for a cople of minutes and gave the high ares a beige color that was thinned down with water. As both paints (the red/brown and beige) was still wet, it mixed togther nicely. Did some touch ups on egde of the mouth area. Added a little more paint to the lower areas and painted the veins with the transperant red.
Thats about it I think.
Will see if I can get the picture hoted on another site that's les restrictive. I know what the mouth looks like, but com'on its just vinyl and paint for crying out loud.