F-117 stealth fighter scratch-build around 1/24th scale


Sr Member
I am for the most part a sci/fi guy but wanted a change, so I picked up this little 1/72 scale stealth fighter in Michael's, while the wife was shopping for yarn!!:lol

I just used the kit and scaled it up 3x not a lot of interesting stuff as far as vacuum forming and casting.Pretty much template making and cutting styrene. It is a bit of a geometric nightmare although!!:angry
Getting there slowly man this thing eat up a lot of styrene on me.....mainly from mistakes!! It will be around 29 inches long when finisheD.
Wow, that looks great! How big is this going to be when finished? I love this plane, one of my favorite designs.
Absolutely beautiful! The F-117 is one of my favorite planes, and this is a great job. Can't wait to see it finished.
Nice work. Are you building it wheels up or down? If down, are you scratch building the undercarrage?
Thanks guys ....... No I am building in flight,I will be sticking a stick in the bottom!!!:lol It should be around 29 inches long or so?
niiiiiiiiice.... (y)love:thumbsup

Keep em coming Michael! :D

Thanks Kurt should be back in this Monday, then starting to make the wings and rear tail, or figure out the bottom hull.

Mike, you're doing an amazing job! Do you have any thing in the way of commentary? What thickness styrene are you using? It looks as though your making creases at the angles, but how do you strengthen it to get the creases to stay and make the whole thing solid?

Keep up the GREAT work!
Mike, you're doing an amazing job! Do you have any thing in the way of commentary? What thickness styrene are you using? It looks as though your making creases at the angles, but how do you strengthen it to get the creases to stay and make the whole thing solid?

Keep up the GREAT work!

Flintlock I will get back to you on the thickness....I have to put a caliper on the styrene for ya as I forgot!!!:lol

As far as bracing it up what I did was wherever there is a angle on the undersaide I take a piece of styrene and crease it so it goes across the cut on the underside.I will post a few pics of the bottom this weekend.
