Eye Mesh for Mask


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if this has been answered before, but a search didn't give me the info I was looking for.

What kind of mesh do I need to "black out" the eyes of a mask? Is there a certain type, weave, brand, etc. that I should look for?

What would be the best way to add the mesh to a F13 hockey mask? Hot glue?
I've found that black stockings provide the best combination of blackout vs. visibility. I did go the hot glue route to put it in. At least I think I did.
Yep, black panty hose and hot glue work great. Don't use screen or mesh, takes away from the illusion.
If your design needs mesh, you can use black granny square. It's a plastic mesh with tiny squares.

You can also use tiny pinpricks in plastic around the eye.

But cloth would work passably as well. It depends on how much vision you require when masked.

Thanks for the replies. I'll pick up a pair of black stockings and see how that works out. On second thought, I might get my fiancee to pick up the stockings for me. :)
Most of the commercially made blackout masks are made from thin black spandex. Hit up Michaels or JoAnne Fabrics and see what kind of black cloth they have.

Then again, a $1.99 black stocking will work just as well as $10 a yard bolts of fabric.

As for attaching, stick with hot glue or epoxy glue.
Once again, thanks for the help. I went the $1.99 stocking and hot glue route, and I think it turned out pretty good. Visibility is decreased a bit, but less than a pair of dark sunglasses.

I know the mask isn't "screen accurate", but it's part of my Halloween costume for this fall.
I'm not sure if this has been said, but when I made my daughter's jawa mask, I used basic window screen, with two layers to really hide her eyes. She can still see fine through it, and it's darker that way.
