EU Stormtroopin'


Master Member
OK, we've got Stormtroopers, Sandtroopers, Scout Troopers, TIE Pilots, Imperial Bodyguards and so forth. Has anyone done any of the Expanded Universe or video game Troopers yet? I was reading a thread about troopers over six feet which would start getting into the Dark Trooper territory of over six and half feet.

Other than the sports team colored troopers what other forms of Troopin' have you guys done?
I know there have been several to do the Black Stormtrooper (Dark Horse Comics Black Hole Trooper) and the Black Scout Trooper (WEG RPG Stealth Trooper(also seen in SW:Galaxies)). I have seen a pic of a guy who did a Corsecunt Guard (Luke dresses as one in one of the novels).
Originally posted by WookieGunner@Dec 28 2005, 03:10 PM
I know there have been several to do the Black Stormtrooper (Dark Horse Comics Black Hole Trooper) and the Black Scout Trooper (WEG RPG Stealth Trooper(also seen in SW:Galaxies)).  I have seen a pic of a guy who did a Corsecunt Guard (Luke dresses as one in one of the novels).

A picture of WG's aforementioned "Stealth Trooper" (far left), and WG himself as the Tusken in the background of this pic. You'll also notice a "Galactic Marine" (AKA "Clone Commander" from BFII) in the background, as well as a EIII ShockTrooper in the foreground.


NovaCon, Huntsville, AL, Nov. 11-13, 2005
There's also a guy who did a very cool sea trooper (scout trooper in blue.) Hopefully he's around and will post pics - it was most nifty.
Originally posted by Dinadin@Dec 29 2005, 02:36 AM
This is me in the Black Stormtrooper Armor.  I added the red, most of them are straight black.
Well if they'd like to be a mod for the costume, tell 'em to head on over to the Spec Ops Det Forums. ;) We need a subject matter expert for this costume, as well as several others.

We've been running for over 2 years in the underground of the 501st, but just got official approval in October.

Our aim is to tighten the specs and list what people need to pull off the costuming for TXs (kinda became the home for wayward trooper costumes in the 501st). ;)
Originally posted by rigormortis@Dec 29 2005, 09:49 AM
Our aim is to tighten the specs and list what people need to pull off the costuming for TXs (kinda became the home for wayward trooper costumes in the 501st). ;)

Cool. It seems there are a lot of costumes out there that get admission into the Legion by just claiming to be "EU" or "TX", and it seems the criteria for them is lower than for other costumes that are more well-known (and more easily critiqued).

I applaud your attempt to raise the standards for the TX category, and to help the Legion maintain its high level of costuming excellence. :thumbsup
Yeah, the standards went by the wayside and we're in the process of reeling them in. Now 501st TX submissions have to show documented EU proof (i.e. drawings or pics) and be as close as possible to that reference. This isn't to take the fun out of costuming, but it's to show we can do a better job with the standards LFL & the Legion expects of us.

I've seen a LOT of good research here on the RPF with the Spacetrooper thread and Seatrooper and would like to spur on more creativity and hard research within our Detachment. So the board has evolved to get our costumes better.

Of all the Dets, I think we have the most costume categories (16). Hopefully we'll see some Radtroopers (bling-bling vac metallicized silver) & Dark Troopers soon.
there was a guy in the helmets thread in the prop forum that haad a commando from the Xbox game, republic commando... dont think he had the whole suit but the bucket seemed spot on.
Yeah, but the Legion decided against us accepting Clones, as there's already a Detachment for them. Trust me, I argued the case. :( So the TXs are Stormtrooper-based only at this time.

I know all the clones were trying to pitch in to get Republic Commando author Karen Traviss one of those RC helms (she's a big fan of the 501st & the Clone Det). I think it just fell by the wayside.
Originally posted by Fetthunter@Dec 29 2005, 05:51 AM
There's another Sea Trooper on this board too.  I made his blue hip pouches 2 years ago.  :D

That would have been me if I hadn't abandoned the project. I still have the pouches.

Let me take the opportunity to once again plug Fetthunter's excellent craftsmanship and customer service. :thumbsup