ESB levitation ... how to make this prop?


Sr Member
found this image on

wondering how one would go about construction

Are you talking something that actually floats or just looks like it's floating? It would be pretty easy to do if you had it near a wall. Just put some rods into the back of the rocks and stick them in corresponding holes in a background or wall.
What I find hilarious is the position of the saber.

It's painted exactly from a known photograph of the actual ESB saber, known as the 'Skywalker Ranch Saber' because it was the only known ESB Graflex Luke saber still in the archives.

From the mid-1990's there were just a few different photographs of this saber from a few specific angles and that angle is one of them.

Later the missing red button on top was replaced with the red button that was on the bottom and it served as the bases for the Prop makers in Australia to make the Anakin EP3 Saber. It was on display as the last Celebration.