Endor rifle "progress"

Sluis Van Shipyards

Legendary Member
Several people have been asking me to post pictures of my Endor rifle so here's the "progress". :lol I've basically built this thing twice, once with scratchbuilt pieces and then again once I got casts of the Jackal rifle stock from Odiwan72 and lots more input from him and Kurtyboy. So the piece on the stock, the scope shroud, the part in front of the M-16 magazine well and the front site are new (the front sight is the actual part, the other's are cast pieces). It's about 80% finished I just have a lot of fiddly stuff like filling and sanding to do. The only pieces that still need work now are the two pieces (plus fake mag) behind the wood grip and the fake (on mine) M-16 front sight part. I do plan on redoing the barrel with a real M-16 barrel down the road, but I'm getting tired of working on this and don't have the money to put into it right now. So I am still building stuff, it's just taking a long time since I went back to finish my degree.

Everything except the wood grip are just sitting or are taped in place right now so everything in the pic may not be lining up exactly. Any opinions on whether I should remove the clear dome and orange sight element from the Singlepoint or just leave it as is? Also if you see silver on everything, that's marker to check seams or make sure things are filled (silver Sharpie markers are awesome for this).

Coming along nicely.

I still need to get a real M16/AR15 lower shell to finish mine to my level of satisfaction.

I'm going to eventually redo the barrel with the M-16 barrel though. Otherwise once it's finished it's going to sit and nag at me that it's not completely accurate. :lol Well it would be like 99% accurate anyway.
Hey Jason

Great to see this post about your Endor rifle, BUT considering the speed of your build it will take a few months for this thread to be updated!? :lol

jk man, can´t wait to see the outcome of your long journey :):thumbsup

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