I have pretty limited resources on this aside from some screen caps and matte paintings. Seems there's not much documentation on it out there. Does anyone have any good pics or blueprints of her?
I think I'll go for something between the matte paintings and the real prop since there's a little room for artistic freedom. I think if scaled out to the size of the MR AT-AT.. it would put it at slightly over 40 inches tall and 3 1/2 feet wide... perfect for a part laptop desk / diorama lol The AT-AT would be on the floor making its approach to the docking platform, and I'll hire someone to paint the redwoods and dish on a hinged L-shaped divider. Everything will fit in the corner of my studio and look just like the scene in ROTJ.
I got thinking about this today and couldn't let it go.. I have to do it!! I may also use some of that hydroshrink and make a mini-AT-ST in scale with the AT-AT patrolling below.
Even when you said it was something familiar I didnt find what ! :lol
The shape of the whole thing makes me remember a bit the AT-ST chassis too, a bit modded and cut ! But of course it's not But maybe the guys who painted this was inspired by a chassis part laying on the next desk ! :lol