Electronic guys - can you id these components on Tardis key?


Master Member
I know that's a resistor in there, but can anyone id that chip and the gold part behind the wires, is that flux or something? Sorry for be so thick :confused

Yeah, that was gonna be my guess as well, except I couldn't remember the number.. lol. Just "you know.. one of those 8-pin IC chips..."

Not sure about the gold bit. Almost looks like it's just painted on.
What you need there is a 10k resistor: DigiKey Part

and the 555 certainly would work

The gold thing, It almost kinda looks like one of those chips on credit cards now a days. Tough it looks like it could be (or was) made by cutting a piece of thin sheet brass and acid etching it so it has that multiple-level appearance as it does in those photos. That and if you used brass you could get the solder on the red wire to actually stick to it with a bit of flux.
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Where did you get that pic, did the key always have electronics on it? It kinda looks to me like the chip was cut, the edge doesent seem flush, and yes, the gold part looks like its from a sim or credit card
I think any 8-pin DIP chip will work (555, 741, LM3909, AD620, etc.) as the propmakers seem to have removed any printing from the top.

And I agree that the gold bit looks to be the contact pad from a SIM card with a piece of hookup wire soldered on.
Sorry for bumping an older thread, but I've been lurking for a while and I've chosen this key as a first build and just thought you guys might be able to provide some clarification. I've viewed the scene of "sound of the drums" where the Doctor builds the three keys, and...

a) I don't see the shot where the OP's screenshot is from. Is it from the episode?

b) Is the OPs pic from an episode or another canon reference or is it itself a replica? The resistor placement and black wire placement don't seem to match what is shown in the build sequence (about 28:20 into the episode)

Thanks in advance.
The photo is from a number I have of the 3 original shooting props. They were on display at the Art of Dr Who exhibition on The Wirral in 2008/9
Excellent! Thank you so much for replying. I already have a fried 555, a correct value resistor and a sim card I can butcher, so a trip tomorrow to the locksmith should get me all set.

I also have a couple more questions if you don't mind.

a) It looks as if the components are attached to the key with a clear epoxy, as opposed to solder. Is this correct?

b) Do you know anything more detail-wise about the twine cord? It looks to be twine at least. Do you know how thick is was? How long the loop was? Although I could find out how tall Tennant is and extrapolate the length from that with a decent margin of error, I'd rather not have to...

Thanks again!