Well, I still do not see EFX bashing a licensed competitor. I see Gino bashing a fan sculpt. It's a fan sculpt. It isn't a pull from any LFL mold. Oh, did I mention it is an unlicensed piece?

As to the SL helmet, it was pulled from the same mold as the master for EFX's Legend Vader. It has distinct neck flaring as can be plainly seen.

My point still stands. EFX has not bashed a single licensed competitor. For Gino to come out saying that the licensed pieces that EFX offers are better than fan sculpts, or a hasty pull from the Baker mold with flaring (Which helmet is NOT available to anyone but SL) is not bashing competition. It's stating a truism.

They didn't say Gino bashed "licensed EFX competitors", he simply stated Gino bashed EFX competitors - to which he's done repeatedly. Considering Gino has sold his work in the past without a license, I'd say this is rather hypocritical.
Unlicensed fan sculpts are not competition to direct from LFL mold items. A helmet that will never see any hands other than SLs is not competition. Look, I am not as knowledgeable in Vader as Gino or a lot of the Prop Den guys, but I know more than most here. The helmets offered are NOT comparable. That is not a slam. It's statement of fact.

Why is calling a fan sculpt inferior to a direct mold pull trashing or mocking?

The SL is definitely in other people's hands, not just SL's. Though he's very VERY choosy in who he allows to purchase an SL. What's fascinating is the fact the EFX Legend/LE is no longer offered, though can be found second hand on Ebay and prop forums. So really, you have it the other way around. :)
Since I kind of got brought up...I have to say I laughed and laughed when I read Gino's criticisms. Not only was he completely wrong on certain details, his claim that the Quasimodo helmet didn't even belong in the top 10 was just that: Laughable. He has a history of bashing anything that doesn't conform to his own views or competes with his own products, so it's become difficult to take him seriously. As you've correctly observed, he only ever bashes unlicensed stuff, but he will do this whether his own competing product is licensed or not. I'm sure if the Anovos Vader was unlicensed he'd be bashing that, but I suspect that LFL/Disney would have Views on him bashing a fellow licensee.

If you want to call my helmet inferior to a direct mould pull then feel free. In some respects you may be right, though of course the extent of the clean up should be taken into account. It's less direct than eFX would have you believe. However a number of people have sold their eFX helmets to buy mine, and those with the chance to compare them directly have said that Quasimodo makes the eFX helmet look like a toy. I distinctly remember when MR was producing lightsabers, and guys here and elsewhere were producing their own, unlicensed versions. Everyone seemed to think they were comparable, why is it different now?

I agree with you that the Anovos business model leaves something to be desired, however your complaints seem to be based mainly on the fact that you don't see them being hounded as much as eFX about it. The model that they have chosen is essentially crowdfunding, the nature of which is that initially it can be difficult to see where the money is going. Are they using the money from one product to fund another, as you put it? Certainly possible, but as long as they are aware of their funding levels and financial capabilities, what does it matter? This is how business works; money comes in, money goes out. If the money coming in exceeds the money going out, you have a successful business. Where the funds are allocated is up to the people in charge. Would you like them to publish their accounts?

I'll be quite candid, I don't really follow Anovos. I'm unaware of what their waiting times are like, because I'm not really a costumer, I like props. I did get the TK, and yes, I waited patiently for it. Delays happen, but there was always an updated date for when they expected them to ship. eFX seem to have had a really rough time with the biker scout helmet, and it's their total lack of communication that has had them raked over the coals, rather than the delay exactly. The fact that they seem to have had a somewhat relaxed attitude to both the delays and the communication hasn't helped. I saw a video with Brian of eFX actually making a joke about some new product, and how 'knowing us' he said, it was scheduled for 2016 but would probably actually be 2018. True perhaps, but ill advised.

And maybe I missed something, but why are you asking for a breakdown of costs of manufacturing injection moulded plastic?
My issue with Gino's bashing is he doesn't explain what is wrong with an item. He just makes broad statements and expects everyone to simply take his word as gospel.

What makes it worse to me is that it's always from some implied super tippy-top secret reference material that OOOOONLY he has....but is absolutely not going to share in any way whatsoever with ANYONE else...because reasons. IF it's not just all bull****, that attitude seems utterly antithetical to the whole hobby.
What makes it worse to me is that it's always from some implied super tippy-top secret reference material that OOOOONLY he has....but is absolutely not going to share in any way whatsoever with ANYONE else...because reasons. IF it's not just all bull****, that attitude seems utterly antithetical to the whole hobby.

Didn't he awhile go have a thing where he'd post his "screen cast vader" blah blah blah to show off, to have it pointed it out that it's not, remove the post, only to come back later with the same claimes, with different items than the first, just to again get called out? Apparently he's done that exact thing a few times from what I've read from a few years back
If you want to call my helmet inferior to a direct mould pull then feel free. In some respects you may be right, though of course the extent of the clean up should be taken into account. It's less direct than eFX would have you believe. However a number of people have sold their eFX helmets to buy mine, and those with the chance to compare them directly have said that Quasimodo makes the eFX helmet look like a toy. I distinctly remember when MR was producing lightsabers, and guys here and elsewhere were producing their own, unlicensed versions. Everyone seemed to think they were comparable, why is it different now?

There's lots of choices for prospective Vader helmet buyers these days, which I think is a good thing. Licensed and unlicensed, new and used, fan-made and direct mould, $ to $$$$$. My stable of Vader helmets includes the Darth Ugly ANH and most recently the eFx PCR ANH. And I like both for different reasons. I appreciate the technical accuracy of the eFx, and I like the overall quality of material, construction, and custom paint work on the Darth Ugly. Which one is better isn't a question in my mind. It'd be like asking which child is your favorite! And for someone shopping for a new helmet, which is "best" depends on which aspects are most important to them, not what someone else proclaims to be the best.
And maybe I missed something, but why are you asking for a breakdown of costs of manufacturing injection moulded plastic?

Oh, Chris was touting how cheaply made the EFX PCR ANH ACRONYM Vader was made. So, I asked him to enlighten us on how much it would cost to manufacture and distribute an injection molded piece, since he seemed to know it was cheap.

As to your helmet, I can't say anything bad other than it is a fan sculpt. That was MY turn-off on it from go. I can't speak to the sculpting ability, because you've managed to fabricate a damned good looking helmet from a turd of a beginning.
Oh, Chris was touting how cheaply made the EFX PCR ANH ACRONYM Vader was made. So, I asked him to enlighten us on how much it would cost to manufacture and distribute an injection molded piece, since he seemed to know it was cheap.

As to your helmet, I can't say anything bad other than it is a fan sculpt. That was MY turn-off on it from go. I can't speak to the sculpting ability, because you've managed to fabricate a damned good looking helmet from a turd of a beginning.

Oh the Chinese factory expert here never showed me his PHD in the area of study though.
As to your helmet, I can't say anything bad other than it is a fan sculpt. That was MY turn-off on it from go.

Ah... k. This actually explains a lot... I have a good buddy of mine that is exactly the same way. Unless an item has the LUCASFILM TM mark on it somewhere... he has no interest in it whatsoever. It doesn't matter to him if a fan sculpt is more accurate; i.e. Roman's Obi Wan lightsaber vs. a Master Replicas Obi Wan, if it's not a 'licensed' product, he has no interest in it.

Not a bad thing, just a preference thing.
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Oh, Chris was touting how cheaply made the EFX PCR ANH ACRONYM Vader was made. So, I asked him to enlighten us on how much it would cost to manufacture and distribute an injection molded piece, since he seemed to know it was cheap.

As to your helmet, I can't say anything bad other than it is a fan sculpt. That was MY turn-off on it from go. I can't speak to the sculpting ability, because you've managed to fabricate a damned good looking helmet from a turd of a beginning.

Well in terms of cost of injection moulding, standard understanding is that the initial tooling costs are high, while actual production costs are pretty low. I would imagine material costs for both fibreglass and plastic helmets will actually be similar, the major saving will be on labour, fibreglass is pretty labour intensive. I also imagine that the profit margins on the PCR will be lower than the fibreglass version, again since they can produce them quickly and in volume without a limit, it makes sense to price them to shift quickly and in quantity. I know this wasn't exactly your question and it wasn't even directed at me, but I've been in business for myself for the last 17 years, and sometimes I think a lot of people's complaints would be alleviated if they understood a little better how businesses work. Your comment about Anovos taking a long time to produce fabric costumes for instance. I'm not saying you're definitely wrong in that the delay is unreasonable, but I have no idea what is a reasonable lead time to go from announcing a cloth product to shipping it is, and your posts don't seem to indicate that you have any knowledge in this area either. To criticise without knowledge is never wise, and why I try and stay out of these debates as much as possible!

As to your last comment, thank you for saying the helmet looks good. For some folks provenance is everything, and I understand that. I must correct you on its origins though: Darth Ugly started from a turd, Quasimodo began with a Ghost Host cast (with his permission of course), and I believe at one point that the GH helmet was quite sought after. Gino made the same mistake in his bashing, and were I a betting man, I'd lay money on the idea that the GH would be one of the helmets he would claim to be in the top 10 above Quasimodo. What delicious irony. :D
I lust after the Quasimodo ESB Vader so very much, it scares me sometimes. I think it's the most beautiful Vader helmet out there, other than the one actually seen on screen. I long for the day I can I add that to my collection.
I must correct you on its origins though: Darth Ugly started from a turd, Quasimodo began with a Ghost Host cast (with his permission of course), and I believe at one point that the GH helmet was quite sought after. Gino made the same mistake in his bashing, and were I a betting man, I'd lay money on the idea that the GH would be one of the helmets he would claim to be in the top 10 above Quasimodo. What delicious irony. :D

This I did not know. I lumped them both together as being from the same source. Mea culpa, man.

- - - Updated - - -

Ah... k. This actually explains a lot... I have a good buddy of mine that is exactly the same way. Unless an item has the LUCASFILM TM mark on it somewhere... he has no interest in it whatsoever. It doesn't matter to him if a fan sculpt is more accurate; i.e. Roman's Obi Wan lightsaber vs. a Master Replicas Obi Wan, if it's not a 'licensed' product, he has no interest in it.

Not a bad thing, just a preference thing.

Oh, it wasn't always this way, at least for me. When I saw the EFX and knew the provenance, I was sold. ON THE VADER. I've bought licensed Vader stuff before and it was garbage. When I saw the EFX, I was hooked. Everything else I have is an unlicensed replica and I am damned proud of that fact.
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Oh, it wasn't always this way, at least for me. When I saw the EFX and knew the provenance, I was sold. ON THE VADER. I've bought licensed Vader stuff before and it was garbage. When I saw the EFX, I was hooked. Everything else I have is an unlicensed replica and I am damned proud of that fact.

Well I'm glad one of us has that kind of clarity... I'm still debating between getting an eFX, a Quasimodo, or a Brian Muir... or holding out for the elusive SL or TM Vader helmets...

Gino's assertions aside, I'm not convinced it's the *best* Vader helmet out there... the best licensed helmet without a doubt... but odds are I'm only getting one bucket and I want to be sure about which one I get... :confused
I really wish we knew if the special edition was still going to be available. Id much rather hold out for that at $325 than go with the standard for the same price on ebay.
Well I'm glad one of us has that kind of clarity... I'm still debating between getting an eFX, a Quasimodo, or a Brian Muir... or holding out for the elusive SL or TM Vader helmets...

You forgot the guy on the 'Bay who changes his name every year or so. I shall not name what he was once known as, but they do look good for the price point.
Well I'm glad one of us has that kind of clarity... I'm still debating between getting an eFX, a Quasimodo, or a Brian Muir... or holding out for the elusive SL or TM Vader helmets...

Gino's assertions aside, I'm not convinced it's the *best* Vader helmet out there... the best licensed helmet without a doubt... but odds are I'm only getting one bucket and I want to be sure about which one I get... :confused

I have the TM helmet for my life size ESB Vader statue and it's a work of art. Without a doubt the closest thing you will ever see to what was on screen in ESB. :cool

I'm currently in the market for an ANH helmet and I'm looking at all the same options as you. Unfortunately I think the SL is out of my price range right now so that leaves the eFx SE, the Quasimodo or the Muir Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately the eFx(even the hand painted SE) doesn't look beat up enough like what was onscreen in ANH so I'd probably have to get it custom painted if I went that route. I haven't seen enough pics of the Muir helmet to know if it's close to the screen used look either so maybe someone can chime in on that. To my eyes the Quasimodo looks fantastic and the fact that it started out as a GH cast definitely helps its case. If I were buying today I'm still not sure which one I'd pick, though. Interested to hear what others might say about this. ;)
The SL is definitely in other people's hands, not just SL's. Though he's very VERY choosy in who he allows to purchase an SL. What's fascinating is the fact the EFX Legend/LE is no longer offered, though can be found second hand on Ebay and prop forums. So really, you have it the other way around. :)

Yep, being the proud owner of an SL and lucky enough to own an efX Legend too, I can compare the two side by side. The efX Legend while a nice helmet is not even close to the SL in detail. Anyone who does not think the SL is superior to the efX Legend as it hit the market, just plain doesn't want it to be so. Even Gino's personal pull he got from his efX deal has all the same surface detail as the SL, you can plainly see it on his Facebook page. So while he doesn't want to admit it the SL as well as his personal helmet are superior than the efX Legend. I have zero doubt that if he were to compare his Baker pull to the SL they would be the same... whether he would admit that is another story. I like Gino and have chatted with him before about the nuances of the SL. He is very knowledgable. Just wish he were a little more open to the fact that there are other Vaders that rival his and people may know just as much as him.
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I have the TM helmet for my life size ESB Vader statue and it's a work of art. Without a doubt the closest thing you will ever see to what was on screen in ESB. :cool

I'm currently in the market for an ANH helmet and I'm looking at all the same options as you. Unfortunately I think the SL is out of my price range right now so that leaves the eFx SE, the Quasimodo or the Muir Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately the eFx(even the hand painted SE) doesn't look beat up enough like what was onscreen in ANH so I'd probably have to get it custom painted if I went that route. I haven't seen enough pics of the Muir helmet to know if it's close to the screen used look either so maybe someone can chime in on that. To my eyes the Quasimodo looks fantastic and the fact that it started out as a GH cast definitely helps its case. If I were buying today I'm still not sure which one I'd pick, though. Interested to hear what others might say about this. ;)

Yeah I'm starting to lean towards an ESB helmet myself and I *just* missed out on the TM that was on the JY (still not happy about how that one played out :()
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