Ecto-1 Magnum - Ectoberfest Charity Total: $24,000!

Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

I'm not a Ghostbusters fan by any measure; IMO the Ecto-1 and Ecto-1A are the only good things about the films.

That said, I would like to nominate this thread for Best Thread Ever! Brilliant narration, beautiful photography, and 100% pure, pedal to the metal, b*lls to the wall fun!!!
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol oh, juggalos. you gotta love 'em. ...or not.

i've been keeping up with this on proptopia and gbfans...easily one of the cooler GB fan events to happen in years. i was hoping to fly out for it, but work reared it's ugly head. great shots!
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

This is just the coolest thread I've stumbled across yet here. Wow. You all amaze.
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

Great thread but so many questions are not getting answered like the legality of the lights and other greeblies on the roof.

I really hope you guys would come to Disneyland in October for Mickey's Halloween Trick or Treat! I would love to see a film of you guys pulling up into the drop off area of Disneyland, entering the park for the Halloween event but reporting immediately to the Haunted Mansion with a mission of eradicating 999 ghosts including the Ghost Host! That would be a classic film for You Tube! Think about it! Make it so!
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

The lights are officially illegal. On paper, most laws state something like "no unauthorized vehicle may be equipped with a blue, green, or red flashing light visible from the front of the vehicle."

In places like New Mexico this is a lot more lax, and in places like California you are prevent from having a lightbar "or lightbar facsimile".

We have coasted thus far on the good humor of police we encounter. I've taken the car through 13 states and made eye contact with at least one state trooper from each. I rarely run the lights on public roads, I've never used them to get through traffic, and I've never pulled anyone over. The best answer I can give is that we don't use the lights like a bunch of jackasses, and we're not using them take advantage of the public trust.

Again, on paper they are illegal and I would have a hell of a court battle if I ever find a cop that isn't in the best of moods.

But between the illegally-tinted windows, the fake front plate, the 10-15 kilos of weed I keep in the side tanks and the dead hooker, who knows what I'll eventually get pulled over for.

What other questions are there about the greeblies on the roof?
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

Something like this. :)


Ohhhh, if ONLY!!!

This thread ROCKS. Love the on-location shots, and the photography overall is just spectacular! Sounds like you're having a ton of fun with this car!
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

This has got to be one of the coolest vehicles I've ever seen. This is amazing on what you've done. You should bring that thing to Kentucky for Halloween. The Louisville Zoo would love to have a group like you for their World's Largest Halloween Party.
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

I'm so happy that you kept updating, otherwise I might have missed this thread even longer.

It's such a sexy car, and what more can I say about women in uniform?

Thanks for sharing a wonderful journey with us.
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum


Ecto Across American begins September 2nd and runs through the 14th. We're driving from Denver to St. Louis to Atlanta for DragonCon, then to Raleigh to Washington D.C, then to Philadelphia to New York City, to Centralia to Dayton and Columbus, to Indianapolis and back to Denver. Further details coming soon!

Follow us on Twitter!
Ecto-2k (EctoTrip) on Twitter
Re: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Magnum

This thread is just chock full of epic win!!! Thanks for sharing all the crazy journeys you've had with your Ecto with us, and keep up the good work :)
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