Ebay user "502smallblock"...the recaster. Second video added.


Sr Member
The point of this thread is to show the quality of a recasters work. They just don't care. I would kindly ask that this not become a debate on opinions regarding the right and wrong of the matter unless it pertains to the crappy quality you have seen.

Years ago I began offering the Ghostbusters RexBox gunbox set. In November of 2009 I sent a set of parts to "502smallblock". Unfortunately I wasn't aware he was a recaster. A Google search shows some of his exploits. On one chat board it says he has even posed as a woman to get parts but that is a different problem for him entirely.

I bought some recasts of my own work recently.

In this photo my switchbox master pattern is on the bottom. It does not come out well but I can see inside the word RexBox has been scraped out. The shape in comparison of the recast is unquestionable.

Point of quality. He didn't even fill the mold entirely. Nice raggedy edges. Why? Because recasters want your money. They don't care about quality like the original artist. Take the money and run.

Again, an unmistakable shape of a recast part and my master pattern.

Another part not fully formed from an unfilled mold. Nice.

My master pattern on top.

Pretty! (pretty foamy)

This recast part is most telling.

See the little black line on the end of my master pattern? I just stuck that on for the heck of it. 502smallblock didn't even take the time to remove my "tell" as is evident in his casting.

A view of the same part as viewed from the end. You can see not only is it not fully formed but he couldn't take the time to sand it evenly.

So this is a perfect example of the "I don't give a damn, give me your money" attitude that recasters have. A low price buys you big poop.

Be sure to add him to your blocked list.
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Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

What a shame, but not at all surprising. That guy has recast everything he has ever gotten his hands on. :(
Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

Yup, that nutsack has been at it for years....

him and I went rounds a few times had people even purchase items for him as I have him blocked on ebay! he is a PIECE OF WORK! :angry Sorry to see this!
Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

Here is a pic from his other auction. The ladder part(marked as "4") is recast from mine as well. Funny that he didn't recast the big main box parts...but then I made them pretty wierd shaped to discourage this very thing.

Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

so a recaster can be members of the 501th too ?
That's a whole nother can of worms right there. Suffice to say there are quite a few 501st members who have a difference of opinion on recasting/buying recasts, and there are many here who feel the 501st as a whole does not do enough to discourage it. As a result, the 501st very nearly (but not quite) gets painted with a broad brush.

edit: heh! I went to add him to my blocked bidder list, and he's already on it. :lol
Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

That's a whole nother can of worms right there. Suffice to say there are quite a few 501st members who have a difference of opinion on recasting/buying recasts, and there are many here who feel the 501st as a whole does not do enough to discourage it. As a result, the 501st very nearly (but not quite) gets painted with a broad brush.

edit: heh! I went to add him to my blocked bidder list, and he's already on it. :lol

Not just members but the leadership too, some may not remember the whole song and dance over WeiBes, CAP recast trooper armour when he admitted it on mepd and they banned him and then unbanned him after the 501st said they take no stance against recasting.
Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

Not just members but the leadership too, some may not remember the whole song and dance over WeiBes, CAP recast trooper armour when he admitted it on mepd and they banned him and then unbanned him after the 501st said they take no stance against recasting.

Really? Well thats a huge shame. One of my long term projects was to do Stormtropper armor, and get into the 501st in Rhode Island for their events and such, but I'm not sure if I like this sort of 'stance' they have.
Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

Unless that particular garrison is actively promoting recasting, I see no reason to shun the 501st as a whole. It's that broad brush I mentioned.

There is a LOT of good accomplished by the 501st, and you would be doing yourself (and them) a disservice if you didn't at least meet up with the garrison and feel them out for their attitudes. Think of the faces on the children.

When I was active with my local garrison, I didn't get involved in any of the online BS and neither did anyone else that I know of. We had our own drama, completely unrelated to recasting. The guy who tended to be in the middle of the drama ended up offing himself later. *shrug*. I still have a fond place in my heart for the old members of my garrison. A shout out to Seattle! :)
Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

my garrison: Star Garrison dont like recasters, and dont promote them either, and the SLD doesnt either, sith lord detachment, of which im in as well.
Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

A Google search shows some of his exploits. On one chat board it says he has even posed as a woman to get parts but that is a different problem for him entirely.

This made me smile, but I think it's indicative of a very large problem. There's one recaster over here in the UK who uses a second eBay account to sell his recasts at a lower price claiming he bought them off his other well-documented eBay account. If they know it's that bad they can't get what they're asking for they shouldn't even sell it and that's with the whole moral issue (that you asked us to avoid) aside.

They really won't stop at anything to get their hands on a bit more cash. Personally I don't know how they could sell such things.
Re: Ebay "502smallblock"...the recaster.

This made me smile, but I think it's indicative of a very large problem. There's one recaster over here in the UK who uses a second eBay account to sell his recasts at a lower price claiming he bought them off his other well-documented eBay account. If they know it's that bad they can't get what they're asking for they shouldn't even sell it and that's with the whole moral issue (that you asked us to avoid) aside.

They really won't stop at anything to get their hands on a bit more cash. Personally I don't know how they could sell such things.

I should have assumed that recasters would be all over . money talks and BS walks for some people. I always think showing the process and getting the "
atta-boys" for the final piece is much more rewarding than just selling for profit.
Re: Ebay user "502smallblock"...the recaster. Video added as 10-13.

No problemo.

I made him the same request as another recaster.
Send pictures of destroyed molds, destroyed remaining parts, stop making copies, and I will consider the matter resolved.
Re: Ebay user "502smallblock"...the recaster. Video added as 10-13.

No problemo.

I made him the same request as another recaster.
Send pictures of destroyed molds, destroyed remaining parts, stop making copies, and I will consider the matter resolved.

Good luck with that. He is a DB. Skygunbro and few other fellas have played with this guy. I do recall it being either Clone Empire or CT.net that he potrayed himself as a woman and got called out hardcore. The name was Ladyclonetrooper he has also gone by bobaclone
Re: Ebay user "502smallblock"...the recaster. Video added as 10-13.

"a good example of what cr*p looks like"

rofl. Soz it happened to you SLK. Unfortunately, recasters will always be around - as long as people use cost as the bottom line rather than quality.

Like any other hobby, you should go out wanting to get the best quality gear you can afford. Rather than gettin the cheapest POS you can get your hands on.

Re: Ebay user "502smallblock"...the recaster. Video added as 10-13.

Isn't it past your bedtime Nate? J/k bud. Congrats again on your TB