e11 build - best sheet plastic for cutting/filing?


Active Member
Hi everyone,

First post here after having been drawn in by all the amazing work, and wanting to make an e11 for ages.

Just wanted some advice on what sort of plastic sheet is the best for making the front nozzle, grip etc, what does everyone use?

Personally I'd use ABS if I was after a plastic sheet to scratch built from. It has good flexibility and is easy to cut even with scissors.

However, for an E-11 I'd use metal to make the front site if I wanted to scratch build it as that way you can keep it all in one piece. Also, if I was going to use plastic excessively in my build I'd probably just cheat and get the pipe kit from doopydoos.
Thanks for the replies and the info guys, I've got myself some ABS to play with so I'll see how I get on with that.

Got a grip from doopydoo's to use as reference as well but I really want to do as much as I can myself, I need the practice!
