E-11 question.. Mag well Cylinders FOUND?

Darth Detroit

Sr Member
Has anyone ever positivly ID' these things? If not, I think I may have figured out what they are. I need a GOOD picture of an authentic, screen used E-11 though. Anyone have a pic?
Your best best is to look at a Mouse Droid for the full rack of cylinders that they cut down for the E11.
There are a couple pics on The Parts of Star Wars:

Here are some other Mouse Droid shots:

Has anyone ever positivly ID' these things? If not, I think I may have figured out what they are. I need a GOOD picture of an authentic, screen used E-11 though. Anyone have a pic?

Yup. What I suspected.
To ME it looks like a camera flash selonoid. They were used for the remote use for the shutters. One end has a wire that came out of it. From what I have been able to find, is that were were MANY variations of it too. So far, I would have to lean towards a vintage camera. MPP or possibly Graflex. ....I'm still searching for an exact match...
I thought it was pretty well accepted that since they show up with all the other parts, in the same way, in the same order, on the same board, on several props, they were part of some large (maybe industrial) power equipment (or at least part of the power section).
They're not solenoids.

You have to examine the big picture. The Mouse Droid and the Landspeeder have the original items which were racks of electronics (not just small cylinders). The original racks held vacuum tubes in the larger round sockets. There are also resistor sockets visible.
The E11 cylinders and brackets were cut down from these much larger pieces.

Yup. What I suspected.
To ME it looks like a camera flash selonoid. They were used for the remote use for the shutters. One end has a wire that came out of it. From what I have been able to find, is that were were MANY variations of it too. So far, I would have to lean towards a vintage camera. MPP or possibly Graflex. ....I'm still searching for an exact match...
The closest thing I've found to it so far is this:


Which is part of a British radar system. It's even got the RCA jack on one end. Just can't find any other versions to compair (online at least).
Studiocreations reference shots has them at about .6cm in diameter and a little over 2cm long. Moncal has a really good replica kit, you could ask him what dimensions he used.
Large rack with room for vacuum tubes: possible Large Nixie Displays?

There were large displays used at the NYSE for decades.

Since Nixie's were around for a long time, and in the mid-70's Nixie displays were being replaced with LED displays, one might figure that these "racks" are from the era of replacement.

Just a thought.
This came up a few years ago.

I worked on some very old electronics in the Navy and one piece of equipment had a amplifier was very similar but didn't have as many tubes. The picture that JackDoud posted shows what the tube cylinders would look like with their protective caps. These simply slid on over the glass tube and twisted secure.

Regarding the two smaller black cylinders... one appears to have been for a smaller tube and the other is likely a tunable inductor.
As many identical racks as they had, I'd say they dismantled something fairly large.

According to Paul from Elstree Studios they got most of the junk parts from local electronics shops around the studio.
Have we ever seen down inside those short, large cylinders? Are there electrical contacts inside?

More than one, I'd say it's a vac tube. Just one in the center, I'd say some kind of light bulb.