Dylan Dog


Sr Member
I have seen that they have made the movie. But without Rupert Everett .Would like to know what you think of this as I always believed the Everett would play Dylan.I'm not saying this as a bad thing. Just wanted some feedback
I hate to say it, but my first reaction to seeing an ad for this film was 'oh my god, someone gave Brandon Routh a job!'
I've watched it. I'm not fully familiar with the comic (in fact, I didn't even know it was a comic book until I saw the notation about it at the ending credits), but throughout the whole time, I was thinking, This would have worked better if it was a comic book. Just doesn't seem to work as a motion picture.

But, I got to admit, there's a lot of potential props in there that look like they could be interesting to replicate.
There were a few funny lines/situations, but other than that, it felt extremely generic. The actors were bland, the writing was half a$$ed. oh yeah...very annoying voice over narration. I kept thinking "hey, this movie is a heck of alot like Constantine"...which by the way was a great deal better flick than Dylan.
I wonder how far they went from the source materials as from what I've heard the comics are really good. Some movies were just meant to be animated and I think this would have worked better as an animated movie since you can do more with animation and not have it look like a scifi channel movie.
kursosawa, I have to agree with your appraisal of the film. I felt that Sam Huntington's "Marcus" was one of the better characters, but it's not saying too much. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't anything special. A few of my friends said it would've been better off as a TV series and I have to agree.
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