DR. Who - Atom Accelerator, the three-in-one prop!

I know this is late coming, and I'm sorry to disappoint, but this was never a Chris Bathgate sculpture. I e-mailed him about it and he knew exactly what sculpture I was referring to. (Since all of his sculptures appear to have names, I figured that if I could find out the "real" name of the Atom Accelerator/Groin Exploder, then it might make tracking one down easier.) Anyway, here's the relevant part of the reply Chris Bathgate sent me:

"Thank you for writing. I am sorry to say that the object you are referring to is actually not one of mine. Strangely, this is not the first time this particular prop has been incorrectly attributed to me.
The last time it happened, I believe it was someone claiming it was mine on a Doctor Who forum (again incorrectly stating that my works are massed produced).
Thank you for your compliments on my work though. Each of my sculptures is in fact a one of a kind solid machined, art object. Currently, I only show my work in Museums and other fine art settings and do not make movie props. So if you ever are in a position to straighten out the facts on a forum somewhere, please feel free to do so.
Again, I appreciate the letter, even if a misunderstanding brought you to my work, I hope you can appreciate it for what it is, instead of what it is not."

So, it looks like we're all right back to Square One with trying to track this down. (If only ThinkGeek was still selling their version. Maybe if they received lots of requests for it they'd make it available again?)

We could only hope. Mass email campaign then?

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We could only hope. Mass email campaign then?

Well, personally, I wouldn't recommend it. Chris Bathgate said that all of his sculptures are one-of-a-kind, and that he doesn't do "mass production". That said, I saw somewhere that ThinkGeek used to sell a version of the Atom Accelerator back in late 2010 or early 2011, but it didn't say why they stopped selling them (unless it was because the sales dropped off). So if there was a mass e-mail campaign to be done, I would suggest it be to ThinkGeek politely asking them to bring the Atom Accelerator back into their product line. Maybe they stopped offering it because not too many people were buying it, but if enough people e-mail in asking for it, they'll see there is a market for it and bring it back.

Yes, think geek. I didn't clarify in my post but maybe they could resurrect something

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