Dr. Grant Velociraptor claws. What are the "Best on the market"?


Master Member
Hey fellow members. I'm planning on buying a dr. Grant Raptor claw. So I want to do some "research" first. There are multiple creators and sellers of this prop replica. For instance, in the Junkyard, I see two members selling these: "Dr Talyn" and "Prop-Builder". Prices are more or less compareble.

I just want to know what you guys think of those replica's (or replica's from other creators)? Which of them do you think has the best sculpt, best painting job, best feel, most screen accurate, etc... All comments and opinions are more than welcome!
I have Dr Talyn's one. It looks really nice in person, and the sculpt and paint is top notch. Couldn't be happier :thumbsup
I haven't yet seen a higher quality sculpt than Prop Builder's.

I've seen many others come and go and I can honestly say its the neatest sculpt. It's also cast with alu-resin to give it weight. It's a steal at £20.

PHArchivist, do you have an original claw?
So both Dr Talyn as Prop Builder's versions are pretty good, it seems? Does someone happen to have both and van give a comparison review?
I had the one from propbuilder. But I always want a real touch on my props. So I've resold it again. I would have loved a more solid one, like made in plaster or a heavier material. Not resin. But it was a good looking one. For display purpose...go for it.