Doctor Who suit comparison (Baron/Magnoli)


Master Member
So I've had a Magnoli Tennant suit for a little over a year now and just discovered the Baron Boutique suit. Does anybody have one? The biggest problem I've always had with the Magnoli is that the stripes are way too far apart, and the Baron seems to be much closer. They don't have very good pictures on their site though. From what I can see, their suit is more accurate in the belt position, the pinstripes, and it actually has rear pockets like it should. I know the Magnoli is a high quality suit, but that's not really what I'm looking for, I just want as accurate a suit as possible.

Also, to anyone who's dealt with them, if I had a request to fix a detail that is slightly inaccurate (the patch pocket placement), would they honor it, or just ignore it?
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Thanks for the links. That new Baron fabric looks really disappointing. If you are able to get some material made, please let me know, I'd be interested in a few yards. I've brought my Magnoli suit to two tailors now and they can't get the damn thing to fit me right. It's cost a fortune.
To follow up with something I posted on another thread, I had asked Baron if they could make the 10 suit in blue, but the swatch they sent me was a dark navy which almost looked black.

This was their reply when I asked for something lighter:

"That's what we have right now David. If we come across lighter blue I sure will inform you."

We'll see if that happens. I thought it might be a good budget alternative to the Magnoli suit but so far, no luck.
I was just hoping for something more accurate with better customer service, but the price was a plus. Looks like it was too good to be true though. I requested a fabric swatch, it should be in the mail to me soon.
Here is a shot showing our two custom fabrics: dark brown with blue stripes and electric blue with red stripes:


These pure wool suits are $575 each (shipping included).

Kind regards,
Personally, I've never had any problems with the magnoli customer service - very much the reverse, in fact.

The Baron suit in brown isn't horrible but it does seem like something of a curates egg. The iconic thing about the 10 suit, the thick baby blue pinstripes, just isn't quite right, the stripes are too thin, and there are too many of them, not to mention that it looks sort of shiny. I was hoping that they could put together an affordable blue version for me to potter around in but it seems like they can't find the material.
The stripes seem to be only a tiny bit too close together on the Baron with 9 stripes showing on the lapel instead of 8, much better than the 5 or so on the Magnoli coat.

As for Magnoli's customer service, I bought an Indy shirt from him that fit me perfectly, I love the thing, it's the best shirt I own. Then I bought the suit..... I had a couple of observations about the belt and chest pocket that I asked if he could change. He let me know that their placement could be corrected, so I figured it was worth the cash. I entered my complete measurements for the suit, the top half of which were the same as the ones I gave for my shirt except a bit smaller in the waist as I had lost some weight, then ordered the suit with the note that I'd like the belt and pocket positions fixed. A month later I receive the suit and it's huge, the length is all right but the chest, waist, hips, and legs are all really baggy, plus the belt and pocket are still in the wrong place. I email him and he says that they can fix it for free, I just have to pay for the shipping around the world. For their mistake. For a little bit more money I can bring it to a local tailor and get it fixed by someone who will definitely get my measurements right. After that the expenses just got ridiculous because the tailor I brought it to kept changing the price and when it was all done the cost was double what she originally quoted me. I was just glad to get the suit back in time for an event and didn't realize until a few weeks later that the shoulders and certain other parts are still oversized.

All in all the suit has been a bad experience.
Don't get me started with Magnoli and problems ordering Tennant Suits.

I bought a shirt (no problems) a tie (no problems) then the suit and had nothing but grief from start to finish.

Not very professional customer service I must say. And with these forums word gets around so I don't know what he was thinking with his inflexible attitude.

Better off making my own !

Follow my Tennant Suit making progress at:
It's strange, isn't it? That suit you're making looks really great. Is there any fabric available these days that is good enough to make the suit from? I live in the same area as Bob Mitsch, so there's no chance of finding the Jo Ann's material, haha. Also, is there any chance you'll be selling patterns for the suit?
I know of no current fabric which is a match as close as the JoAnn was - though that is far from perfect. See my blog comparison where I compared all the suit fabrics to a swatch of THE screen used material.

Suit Comparisons
Comparison to screen used material

So you can see quickly, here is the SCREEN USED fabric

and here is the JoAnn fabric

Both of these are good visual representations of the fabrics.

HOWEVER, Primrodo is working on a printed version (like Spoonflower) of the brown and blue Ten Suit Fabric.

Here are a couple of pictures of his tests:



Since these were taken, I have sent him a swatch of THE screen used material to work from and match to.
Progress is slow, but he is getting there and my money is on his fabric as being the best.

The real suit was made from a cotton fabric, NOT wool as all the suit makers have done, and the JoAnn fabric is a linen, so quite open-weaved.

Hope that help.

PS - probably won't be sell the pattern when I am done, but may be open to commissions, using Primrodo's fabric at some future date.
Nope, works fine for me, however I did order a fabric swatch from them something like 2 weeks ago and it's still not here.
one thing people miss, is that the tennant suit is cotton,
My mate has the Magnoli suit,
it wasnt cotton, it was your basic suit material, lovely suit, but not cotton.
one annoyance of mine.
I think it's silly that nobody has managed to get the interest to have a hundred yards of this stuff printed yet. I can't remember the name of the place, but when I was trying to find the correct fabric I contacted a place in LA that could print on cotton for roughly $10 a yard. The only problem was the minimum 100 yard order and I don't have the money to finance something like that, even if I found people afterwards to take it off my hands. If each person got 5 yards, it would be easy to find enough people to make that run, I just can't remember the name of the place, I found them on a google search.