Doctor Who fob watch/Sonic lipstick toys

Mike Rush

Well-Known Member
I did search but I couldn't find any reviews of these toys. That means either I missed it, or nobody's interested. :) If I missed it and this has been covered already, my apologies and please delete.

At Toys R Us last weekend, there two new 'Who'-related toys. I certainly hadn't seen them on the shelves before so we nabbed them. Thought you might like to see some pictures.

First, the doctor's fob watch.


Real metal chain, plastic body, nice black wash to bring out the 'engraved' detail. The tiny button at the very top causes the sprung lid to flip open.


Notice the nice machine turning on the inside of the lid.

Pressing the little button on the side starts the 'fx' - a quite long sample of the Doctor speaking. It sounds a little bit fast, slightly 'Mickey Mouse', but that could just be this unit. While the sound is playing, three LEDs flicker:


- not sure that's screen-accurate, but it's a nice effect.

Overall it's the same quality we're used to from Character Options. And of course, it's a working watch too. Bonus! :cool

Our second purchase was from the Sarah Jane Adventures, which is aimed at a younger audience but I admit to having watched it. I know Matt has too. :lol Sarah Jane has a sonic lipstick given to her by the Doctor. I got the toy for my wife. Yes, wife, that's it.

The toy is pretty simple:


Twist the base to extend:


It has two different sound effects and works in the same way as the master's laser screwdriver toy: if you 'tap' the button you get one sound; holding it down gives the other. Both are accompanied by the red LED of course.

The lipstick also comes with a replica of Sarah Jane's watch/communicator/whatever, which is wearable and opens up but has no electronics.

So there they are. Maybe not 100% accurate but pretty darn good for what they are. I can't help thinking how much better toys are now than when I was young!
Thanks for the pictures/reviews. I'm just happy that cool things are finally being made for Doctor Who after all these years.
Looks great! I saw a prototype for another toy from the Sarah Jane series. It was from the pilot, it was that weird keyboard thing that was used to generate the pitch to squash the baddie. They made a really great looking toy of it, but I don't think it ever made it to market.

Still, good to see the toys hitting TRUs. Go into ANY toy shop in england, and there's a whole section dedicated to Who. Think TRU during Episode I for star wars. Just nuts! I'm still amazed how little impact who makes over here, compared to the UK. I guess we're behind the times. So to speak :lol
I think because here it's not a "kid's show" anymore, at least in the minds of the SciFi channel.. The series has grown up some and SciFi is not marketing it to the kids. I would love to go into my local TRU and pick up all the latest, instaed of having to shop online. There is a store near me though that does carry a lot of that kind of stuff. I just don't always make the trip to it and I can't remember how comparable it is price-wise.
Did you find them in the regular action figure aisle or were they someplace else? I didn't see them on last week's patrol...
I just got the watch in the mail a couple days ago, love it, have to buy another one to mod, I highly suggest getting one!
Thanks for the video Demonfire. That's how my watch sounds too (high-pitched) so I expect they're all the same.

Matt, they did make that keyboard/communicator toy - I saw it in TRU as well. I was less interested in that though, as I didn't really remember it from the series. Was it just in one episode?
Matt, they did make that keyboard/communicator toy - I saw it in TRU as well. I was less interested in that though, as I didn't really remember it from the series. Was it just in one episode?

Yup, it was used in the Sarah-Jane pilot/premier. And only briefly.
Yeah... I just noticed that he's in England too... I checked Toys-R-Us the other day... nothing here in Lexington, though there might be some in the Saint Louis area ones.

I know a guy who is a manager of one over there and he would make CERTAIN that they did.

DST Trek stuff too. I used to buy it at the Fiarview Heights (IL) T-R-U. The one here has crap toys.
I too have one of the watches. Love the look, like the lights, would rather it didn't speak though. has anyone played around inside it? Is it possible to kill the sound, and keep the lights?
They haven't hit the US yet, and I just can't see spending $55.00 to get from across the pond. My first sonic screwdriver cost me $34.00 to have shipped, just to get another one later at $17.00! I have learned to wait! :lol