Doctor Who - A Journal of Impossible Things (Novelized Version)


Sr Member
I have a few projects on my plate at the moment, but one I'm really excited about getting started on is the published version of A Journal of Impossible Things by Verity Newman from Series 4 of Doctor Who.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some assistance in tracking down the font used for the title of the book (The serifs look so familiar, but I just can't put my finger on where I've seen them).



I want to try to make this as accurately as possible, binding a book JUST for the prop, and not just using a slightly modified screenshot as a basis for a dust jacket. I'm going to build this cover, as much as I can from the ground up. So, step one is the font.

Also, if anyone has any behind the scenes shots (Especially any that show the back of the only shows up for a few blurry frames in the show) I'd greatly appreciate them.

Thanks in advance for your help.

At first, I thought you meant doing a version of the journal with real text instead of the repeated texts on each page but this is an awesome idea too.
While I have nothing to contribute to this at the moment, I'm looking forward to seeing it completed.
I know I've seen a great big image of this cover as a wallpaper somewhere. I'm sure somebody has done this already. Might save you a job if you can find it. In fact I'm about 90% sure that I saved the image, I'll have a look for it. Either way, the fob watch image is from the concept art (included below) and the image I've included is the biggest shot of the watch I have been able to find. I will try and find out the font for you too. I've been interested in doing this also. Would be a great prop to have.

If I remember reading correctly of a post on here the base book that was used was one of the Torchwood novels just with a jacket made to go over it. I will look around and see if I can find the link to it.

edit: Sorry I did not read the post carefully Im not much help when it comes to font
Edit: 2 here is the post that states that it was a torchwood novel and also here is the thread
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If I remember reading correctly of a post on here the base book that was used was one of the Torchwood novels just with a jacket made to go over it. I will look around and see if I can find the link to it.

Yeah I read that too so no need to find the post. It also means that if we can measure the Torchwood books we have the correct size to print it out at too. I'm pretty sure they're just the same size as the new Who books and I have a couple of those so I can measure them too.
It looks to be a simple trade hardback to me (9x6" with a .25" overhang on the cover) but if the dimensions differ, I'd love to know so I can make sure I make it the right size.

Thanks so much for all of your help so far.

That helps immensely. I just need to clean it up a bit to remove some of the artifacts and aliasing, but that's a good solid base.

Thanks. This font is still killing me. I feel like I should know it, but nothing looks "just right."

Also, thanks for the reference images, War Machine, I can probably hack a few of them together to up the resolution.

EDIT: Now if only we can get the guy who has one of the books to take some pictures for us...I'm sure I can fake an "About the Author" but I have so little clue what the back looks like. I can only make out a lower band of color at the bottom, and the barcode, with what looks like silver above it. What's on that silver background, I haven't the foggiest.

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I'm looking forward to what you come up with. Have you tried To me, the font wouldn't be too difficult compared to getting the textured background just right. I was considering doing one of these myself but I've been way too busy lately. You've got a PM coming your way.
Is that from the HD transmission? That looks so much better than my screengrab of the HD version (Stupid compression)! Where did you get that magical grab? That's awesome!

Also, Risu, I've run through identifont, and have found things that are similar, but nothing exact yet. Athelas is the closest I've managed to find, but I'd still have to make some modifications to it to make it work properly. (Not out of the question) I'll let you know if I turn up anything else.

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Is that from the HD transmission? That looks so much better than my screengrab of the HD version (Stupid compression)! Where did you get that magical grab? That's awesome!

Also, Risu, I've run through identifont, and have found things that are similar, but nothing exact yet. Athelas is the closest I've managed to find, but I'd still have to make some modifications to it to make it work properly. (Not out of the question) I'll let you know if I turn up anything else.


I honestly don't know the source. It might be a close up photo of the book/poster from when it was filmed OR it might be a scan of the poster as that doesn't have the text on the cover part. I found it on somebodies Youtube background and I knew it would come in handy for when I tried to make this. So, I basically stole it as it was a great resolution.

I will post the text on another font website I use and see if those experts can figure it out. They've found every single font I've ever needed. As for the leather looking background, it looks like the actual journal from the episode but I haven't seen it in ages so it might not be a screengrab.

I'm more than willing to help out with any PhotoShop work. I hope this gets made from imagegrabs and text. It'd be fantastic to get this in the paper props Doctor Who thread.
i have spent the last hour searching but to no avail, but i had at one time a file with the complete text of the back of the book.

ill keep looking
Hmmmmm, you know? Now that you mention it. I'm going to plug in my external HDD again and look for that. It sounds awfully familiar. Gimme about 20 mins.
While not a direct match, you may be able to cobble together the missing portions of that nice grab with some photoshop work and this art:
I honestly don't know the source. It might be a close up photo of the book/poster from when it was filmed OR it might be a scan of the poster as that doesn't have the text on the cover part. I found it on somebodies Youtube background and I knew it would come in handy for when I tried to make this. So, I basically stole it as it was a great resolution.

It's the exact framing and orientation as the shot on the DVD (Including the non-TV-safe elements along the edges) that comes immediately after Captain Jack is in the bar. That's why I asked whether it was from some awesome uncompressed version I didn't have.

And I want to try to give this back to the community in some way, I'm just not sure how I'll do that yet. Whether it will be completed covers, whole books, or a digital file, I don't know. There's some time to figure that all out though.

i have spent the last hour searching but to no avail, but i had at one time a file with the complete text of the back of the book.

ill keep looking

Complete text you say?! *Eyebrow Raise*

It's the exact framing and orientation as the shot on the DVD (Including the non-TV-safe elements along the edges) that comes immediately after Captain Jack is in the bar. That's why I asked whether it was from some awesome uncompressed version I didn't have.

It might just be a screengrab from the 1080i bluray then. All I know is I'm glad I pinched it haha. The font has been asked about, I'll let you know if it gets found by the experts :D
And I want to try to give this back to the community in some way, I'm just not sure how I'll do that yet. Whether it will be completed covers, whole books, or a digital file, I don't know. There's some time to figure that all out though.

There's a paper props section that you will eventually get access to (being new and all).. a digital file would be perfect for posting there. I know I for one would absolutely love a copy, as I can get it printed up locally.

I wouldn't recommend posting it in this forum ("Replica Movie Props") as it is open to everyone, meaning someone (not a member) is likely to use your hard work to make a fast buck on ebay.
The text on the back was a photograph somebody took of the prop that was gifted to them. It was posted here but I think deleted after he got angry about it being posted. I already sent it along to Nick. Also, here's the image of the "author" from the back of the book.

It might just be a screengrab from the 1080i bluray then. All I know is I'm glad I pinched it haha. The font has been asked about, I'll let you know if it gets found by the experts :D

Thanks! I eagerly await any guidance font nerds can give us.

There's a paper props section that you will eventually get access to (being new and all).. a digital file would be perfect for posting there. I know I for one would absolutely love a copy, as I can get it printed up locally.

I wouldn't recommend posting it in this forum ("Replica Movie Props") as it is open to everyone, meaning someone (not a member) is likely to use your hard work to make a fast buck on ebay.

I have access to the paper props board already, and don't worry. I'm pretty neurotic about people stealing things (I have too many lawyers in my family) so I'd only release it in such a way that will allow true fans to get it, without opening it up to too many people just looking to make a buck.

UPDATE: I now have a reference image for the back of the book (Including legible text), thanks to Risu, and can now begin working up a full mockup.

...And Risu, it's like you read my mind, I was literally JUST looking for that picture! Thanks again.

Thanks so much for everyone's help so far. This is why I love the prop community!
